8 week old Gold Laced Wyandotte : roo or pullet?


8 Years
May 24, 2015
Pleasanton, California
My Coop
My Coop
I am hoping for a pullet but I think this ones a roo. If its a roo, then this is the second time I got a Pritchett Hatchery GLW chick that turned out to be roo!!
Well let me say this-----I have raised/breed hundreds of this breed and 1000's and 1000's of chicks. I promise you your pic is of a chick a lot older that 3 to 4 weeks.

5-6 weeks then because we didn't let them out till seven weeks and they were never let out yet.
The cockerels' combs are still larger than the pullet ' s at 1 day old!
I was only trying to tell the OP that her bird's comb is not large enough to be a cockerel.
LilJoe and PD-Riverman, thank you both as I learned a lot from your replies. Here is close up shot of tail

Last seasons GLW roo started crowing at 11 weeks, so we definitely will know in 3 weeks. I'll keep you both posted. Thank you.

Hi PD-Riverman, the reason why I suspect a roo is that I purchased a Blue Laced Wyandotte chick at same time at GLW chick. As they developed, the GLW chick was larger than the Blue. The feet are much larger as well as overall size. Much more assertive behavior and lastly the comb and wattles are pink while the Blues are pale. Also last spring, I ended up with a GLW roo and the two look alike. But the size of comb seems to be smaller..Here is photo from last years GLW that turns out to a roo, he is at 10-11 weeks in this photo.
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