
Mine weren't very dark. And I cracked one open (the one I thought might be fertile) and it was infertile, so I tossed all of them (I checked them all- none were fertile). I hope I'll have more soon to set! Maybe my blue ameraucanas will start laying me some fertile eggs soon!!!

Aww crap! I'm sorry that they weren't fertile! I might have the same problem with my Jubilee eggs. I haven't seen them mating lately. I'll be candling my eggs in a few days.
​Aww crap! I'm sorry that they weren't fertile! I might have the same problem with my Jubilee eggs. I haven't seen them mating lately. I'll be candling my eggs in a few days.

Oh, that would be awful! JOs are so beautiful...at least mine were just mixes. But I've always wanted Jubilee Orps...I hope they all hatch for you!!
Just candled the 41 eggs I set last Sat (7th day today) and 35 remained. 2 bloodrings nd 4 unfertiled.

Those sound like good odds...all 12 of mine were infertile.

BTW, it's getting really cold here, too. We had a tiny bit of sleet and snow earlier (which we never get) and it's supposed to get down to 7* tonight, and the high today was 54* Crazy weather, huh? I hope my chickies don't freeze to death. I'm worried about my single comb girls...
Those sound like good odds...all 12 of mine were infertile.

BTW, it's getting really cold here, too. We had a tiny bit of sleet and snow earlier (which we never get) and it's supposed to get down to 7* tonight, and the high today was 54* Crazy weather, huh? I hope my chickies don't freeze to death. I'm worried about my single comb girls...

Darn that's cold. Its supposed to go down to lower 50's tomorrow and upper 30's on Monday here in Deep South Texas. Got my babies on a homemade brooder with thermostat at a stable 93-95 degrees.

I agree it is 28 here now the girls line is frozen to their cups for water so am filling them by hand
took one of the small camping buckets I use to carry eggs filled it with water for them everyone flocked to get some of that
no frostbite on birds or frost they have a 250 watt heat lamp in the coop

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