
Quote: Tiger is very close! They look like brother and sister. He's really lucky you found him. What an awful start at life he had until then.

It's funny you mention about the gifts at the door. She'd never been able to hunt...but she caught on really fast and she does the same thing with us with leaving "presents," Sometimes it's the whole present and sometimes it's just the intestines.
Tiger is very close! They look like brother and sister. He's really lucky you found him. What an awful start at life he had until then.

It's funny you mention about the gifts at the door. She'd never been able to hunt...but she caught on really fast and she does the same thing with us with leaving "presents," Sometimes it's the whole present and sometimes it's just the intestines.

My mother had a cat that lived for 22 years! That poor kitty should have been put down sooner. Really. She was blind, deaf, and could only walk around very slowly. She knew where the potty box was though. One day I came over, and saw her. She looked soo bad. I said ..oh my goodness .. to my mom. She says.. I know! She just couldn't bring herself to take her to the vet..so, I did. The vet tried to pick her up just as I was ready to say, she will cry. She did! He says, I wouldn't be surprised if she is full of cancer. Her eyes and nose were weepy. She was just miserable. 22 years..that's a long time. Mom had her since she was a little kitten.

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