
I originally got the eggs with the intention of having my broody silkie hatch them. And 2 days before they arrived she was like. Nope. I'm good sucker. Lol. So we purchased an incubator.

This, is exactly how I got addicted to hatching! Had a broody hen. Got some eggs for her. Came on to BYC for some advice. I was advised to get an incubator..just in case. Glad I did. As soon as those eggs pipped..she flew the coop..litterally..waited and waited for her to get back on the nest. No way, she wasn't going back. Took the eggs in, put them into the bator and saw the miracles happen. That hen never did go back to the nest.

Happy New Year! Look what I woke up to yesterday morning. After watching the eagle sitting on her second egg for four days after the first one hatched out. I left the incubator on, this morning I woke up to five bouncing chicks. Three more are hatching now. Looks like the Orpingtons from California and Dark Brahmas made it. Looks like something happened to the LaBresse eggs.

More babies on the way!!

My chickies! I will be adding one degree f for the next batch.
And moving the location of the incubator. It is apparently too drafty.
Just lost one of the last few hatching. Setting up the brooder tonight.

My chickies! I will be adding one degree f for the next batch.
And moving the location of the incubator. It is apparently too drafty.
Just lost one of the last few hatching. Setting up the brooder tonight.

They are adorable..I see some feathered feet!
My ducklings got a bath yesterday. (They got the tub after the silkies)

In other news, lost a silkie yesterday. It was so cold it couldn't cope. I grabbed the last two and put them in with the babies. They're gentle enough not to care. One of them had feet that were ice cold, might lose that one still
. Poor babies! I sat on the couch for 30 minutes with cold chicken feet wrapped up in my shirt warming up. She is still alive this morning, and I saw her move around some. Maybe she/it'll pull through.
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My ducklings got a bath yesterday. (They got the tub after the silkies)
In other news, lost a silkie yesterday. It was so cold it couldn't cope. I grabbed the last two and put them in with the babies. They're gentle enough not to care. One of them had feet that were ice cold, might lose that one still
. Poor babies! I sat on the couch for 30 minutes with cold chicken feet wrapped up in my shirt warming up. She is still alive this morning, and I saw her move around some. Maybe she/it'll pull through.

Oh no! I'm sorry about your silkies! I hope the other two are okay.

My ducklings got a bath yesterday. (They got the tub after the silkies)
In other news, lost a silkie yesterday. It was so cold it couldn't cope. I grabbed the last two and put them in with the babies. They're gentle enough not to care. One of them had feet that were ice cold, might lose that one still
. Poor babies! I sat on the couch for 30 minutes with cold chicken feet wrapped up in my shirt warming up. She is still alive this morning, and I saw her move around some. Maybe she/it'll pull through.

I have worried going out the past few mornings with this cold. I understand north of us..in Logan..it was -24 degrees. We were -4 degrees last night. Still only up to 12 degrees right now.
It is supposed to warm up into the 20's...whew..never thought I would be happy for 20 degree weather. My hens are still laying! A few of them had been roosting on the outside roost..but not last night! They went into the coop.

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