A Bielefelder Thread !

First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on all of the new eggs! How exciting!

Quick question - I found a site where folks were commenting on how "dirty" Bielefelders are. Has anyone noticed that they want to roost (and poop!) in the nest box or that they just don't want to use the roost (I use the deep litter method in my coop)?

I'm hoping to get into this breed come Spring and I'm SOOOO looking forward to adding them to my small flock!

Hm... I looked into a German Bielefelder Thread about this and most people wrote that the hens started between 26 and 32 weeks and some people said that they started to monitor the body waight of the young hens b/c sometime they look big and fluffy but struggle to put on waight on when they are in a mixed flock with other breeds.
Ours are very heavy and in a pen all to their own kind. The boys are really big! We aren't that much in a rush, they all are beauties and some breeds just lay later than others. I would rather have it that way. We had an Ameraucana that didn't lay until she was 9 months old! so...not disappointed :)
I'm so sick! My neighbors dog JUST jumped the fence and killed my Biel roo and one of my Pullets. I text the neighbor and told her and she said that as long as my dogs go into her yard she won't do anything... I'm gonna die... My dogs have never caused any problem for her but hers come and kill two of my pets and she just shrugs it off?!?!? What is wrong with people?!?!?!?!?
*deep breaths*
THEN her dog came and knocked over my trash and drug it all over my front yard so I took a picture of the dog in the act and sent it to her... No reply... Go figure
I called my chicken man and he doesn't have any pol pullets to replace but he told me I should expect the lady to pay $50 for the pol pullet and $35 for the rooster... Fat chance
I'm so sick! My neighbors dog JUST jumped the fence and killed my Biel roo and one of my Pullets. I text the neighbor and told her and she said that as long as my dogs go into her yard she won't do anything... I'm gonna die... My dogs have never caused any problem for her but hers come and kill two of my pets and she just shrugs it off?!?!? What is wrong with people?!?!?!?!?
*deep breaths*
THEN her dog came and knocked over my trash and drug it all over my front yard so I took a picture of the dog in the act and sent it to her... No reply... Go figure
I called my chicken man and he doesn't have any pol pullets to replace but he told me I should expect the lady to pay $50 for the pol pullet and $35 for the rooster... Fat chance
I'm sorry for your loss that's terrible. You may heave to make your fence dog proof because if they did it once they will most definitely do it again just as soon as the opportunity arises. Hoping all goes well from here.
I'm sorry for your loss that's terrible. You may heave to make your fence dog proof because if they did it once they will most definitely do it again just as soon as the opportunity arises. Hoping all goes well from here.

Dog went under the house through the skirting... I'm keeping the remaining chickens in their coop till the neighbor fixes her skirting
First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on all of the new eggs! How exciting!

Quick question - I found a site where folks were commenting on how "dirty" Bielefelders are. Has anyone noticed that they want to roost (and poop!) in the nest box or that they just don't want to use the roost (I use the deep litter method in my coop)?

I'm hoping to get into this breed come Spring and I'm SOOOO looking forward to adding them to my small flock!


I haven't found my Biels to be any dirtier than any other chicken, and actually neater than some. None of my girls are interested in doing anything other than lay eggs in the nesting boxes, but then I didn't install nesting boxes until they were about 20 weeks old, so they were well conditioned to use the roost. I also use the deep litter method and my Biel pen is consistently one of the cleanest in my chicken cabin. They don't even scratch their feed out of the dish like most of the other breeds do.

Now Australorps....those are some messy, messy birds.
They're projectile poopers!
What about boys? At what age have yours started to, ahem, get frisky?

Oh our two seem to be like other breeds and have been trying to impress the ladies of the other breeds that are mature at 5 months! So the boys grow up much quicker than our pullets. However, we still have them together and they seem to "know" not to approach the Biele girls because they aren't ready. They are quite the gentlemen :)
I'm so sick! My neighbors dog JUST jumped the fence and killed my Biel roo and one of my Pullets. I text the neighbor and told her and she said that as long as my dogs go into her yard she won't do anything... I'm gonna die... My dogs have never caused any problem for her but hers come and kill two of my pets and she just shrugs it off?!?!? What is wrong with people?!?!?!?!?
*deep breaths*
THEN her dog came and knocked over my trash and drug it all over my front yard so I took a picture of the dog in the act and sent it to her... No reply... Go figure
I called my chicken man and he doesn't have any pol pullets to replace but he told me I should expect the lady to pay $50 for the pol pullet and $35 for the rooster... Fat chance
Oh no, I would contact your township police or area police to find out the law regarding killing of livestock. In our area, the owner is responsible for repayment of damage caused by their dogs on other peoples property. There is no "your dog comes here so you can't ask me to keep mine in my yard" argument. I would present them with a bill for the lost livestock. People around me have paid willingly because we filed a police report. If they don't pay, that is another issue where you will have to think how far you will go. Usually people will pay when they know you filed a report. Or, in some areas you have the right to kill the dog that comes on your property because they have destroyed livestock. The police told me we could out in our Michigan county but I am too soft hearted to kill the dogs. They don't know any better really. It's their owners that are the "airheads".
First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on all of the new eggs! How exciting!

Quick question - I found a site where folks were commenting on how "dirty" Bielefelders are. Has anyone noticed that they want to roost (and poop!) in the nest box or that they just don't want to use the roost (I use the deep litter method in my coop)?

I'm hoping to get into this breed come Spring and I'm SOOOO looking forward to adding them to my small flock!

Ours so far are impeccable! They are very large birds and need to have a roost that is lower to the ground. All of ours roost because they can easily get up on it and jump off without hurting their feet.
Oh no, I would contact your township police or area police to find out the law regarding killing of livestock.  In our area, the owner is responsible for repayment of damage caused by their dogs on other peoples property.  There is no "your dog comes here so you can't ask me to keep mine in my yard" argument.  I would present them with a bill for the lost livestock.  People around me have paid willingly because we filed a police report.  If they don't pay, that is another issue where you will have to think how far you will go.  Usually people will pay when they know you filed a report.  Or, in some areas you have the right to kill the dog that comes on your property because they have destroyed livestock. The police told me we could out in our Michigan county but I am too soft hearted to kill the dogs.  They don't know any better really.  It's their owners that are the "airheads".

I just got off the phone with a sherif's deputy and was told they don't do reports for that kind of thing?!? She told me I needed to file with small claims court. She did say that I am in my rights to "defend my property" I said "so I can shoot it?" And she just repeated "you can defend your property" lol I know the law here as of last night. I stayed up till after midnight ranting and raving reading laws so I feel pretty well versed on my rights lol She HAS to pay and if I have to take her to court, she has to pay any court costs as well. AND if she chooses to keep the dog and it kills again, she has to pay double their value

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