A Bielefelder Thread !

LOL  We joke that our dogs' only purpose is to clean up drops & spills.  If we let the chickens do that the dogs would be out of work!

We have one dog that cleans up spills and such the other makes them. Lol @Faraday40

I bet you can guess which is which.

For those those that don't know we have a sheltie and a great Dane I love them both dearly but the sheltie was my before we were together dog and the Dane was DH2B's lol

While the sheltie is generally very well behaved and besides her fluffy fur very tidy.(I've literally seen her walk around puddles BC she doesn't want to get wet-and in her mind dirty feet) she also washes her feet like a cat.

The Dane on the other hand felt like today due to this nice weather Mommy needed a present. Despite being outside with her every second and never seeing her near it when we can in she tracked clods of dirt from the field in between the pads of her massive feet all over the house her dog bed and the rugs.

Face palm I give up house keeping with this moose around lol. She has no clue she's a lady and while the sheltie sounds snoity BC she doesn't like to be dirty she can be quite the tomboy. The Dane is more like a bull in a China shop than a tomboy. Lol

DH2B and I joke that although we love her tons we love her most when she's sleepy or sleeping so she's not bounding around shaking the house clearing tables with a swipe from her tail.
We have one dog that cleans up spills and such the other makes them. Lol @Faraday40

I bet you can guess which is which.

For those those that don't know we have a sheltie and a great Dane I love them both dearly but the sheltie was my before we were together dog and the Dane was DH2B's lol

While the sheltie is generally very well behaved and besides her fluffy fur very tidy.(I've literally seen her walk around puddles BC she doesn't want to get wet-and in her mind dirty feet) she also washes her feet like a cat.

The Dane on the other hand felt like today due to this nice weather Mommy needed a present. Despite being outside with her every second and never seeing her near it when we can in she tracked clods of dirt from the field in between the pads of her massive feet all over the house her dog bed and the rugs.

Face palm I give up house keeping with this moose around lol. She has no clue she's a lady and while the sheltie sounds snoity BC she doesn't like to be dirty she can be quite the tomboy. The Dane is more like a bull in a China shop than a tomboy. Lol

DH2B and I joke that although we love her tons we love her most when she's sleepy or sleeping so she's not bounding around shaking the house clearing tables with a swipe from her tail.

Aawww....I had a Sheltie as a kid. Fantastic breed!

I now have a pure Schipperke, and mixed-breed rescue from the pound, and a pure German Shepherd puppy that weighs over 50 lbs at 5 months of age...and thinks it's a blast to go "swimming" in the water bowl. At least once per day my kitchen looks like a water pipe burst somewhere.
Aawww....I had a Sheltie as a kid. Fantastic breed!

I now have a pure Schipperke, and mixed-breed rescue from the pound, and a pure German Shepherd puppy that weighs over 50 lbs at 5 months of age...and thinks it's a blast to go "swimming" in the water bowl. At least once per day my kitchen looks like a water pipe burst somewhere.
That's a great way to put it!

We can completely understand what you mean! Our 100lb Great Dane mix is a slobber-drinker. His mouth physically cannot hold water, so it drips all over the place and he must attempt to drink 2x as much. It doesn't help that he drinks when bored or stressed.....gets distracted & walks around dripping, then returns in 2 sec later to continue drinking. We had to give up & place the dog bowls in an area by the back door obstructed from view. Nine years later, they're still there, but since I couldn't keep the area clean, I at least kept my sanity.
Disappointed in GFF Bielefelders.

7 out of the 11 surviving ( lost one hen to an unidenfied ailment) I received from GFF have stark white earlobes, 2 more have mostly white earlobes with a fleck of red. I have raised these to laying age, only to find they are culls (for breeding purposes). The eggs are a very light shade of brown, and smaller then the dark brown eggs I am getting from the red eared hens. I purchased three pullets from a breeder who had GFF stock from an earlier breeder flock; they are laying dark brown eggs, and have descent conformation to the standard. It is disappointing that GFF ha let their breeding stock degrade to this point; I would not recommend buying any Biels from them until they have fixed the problem. By necessity, I will now breed my roo with the few decent hens, hatch those eggs and see what the chicks turn into. I do not, in good conscience, plan to sell or give away chicks that have a high probability of being culls in terms of the standard.

Having said that, all the hens are delightful and personable birds and have adapted well to free-ranging. I will keep them as layers only. I am getting a new set of chicks from another breeder, and hope to make a contribution to keeping this breed from fading into the sunset.
That's strange b/c I think all the Bieles in the US orig. came from GFF. I got mine from a breeder who purchased from GFF. She had some from the 1st & 2nd imports. I saw no white earlobes in her birds or any of the ones we hatched. I did notice, however, that the indiv birds can vary greatly in egg color. The pullet we kept from last year lays a lighter egg than the biele we hatched the year before. Because it's not much to go on, it could simple be indiv hen difference. The one with the lighter egg color is actually a better layer & a sweetie, so i can't complain.
I am leary that we might have the constant drenching rain STOP, all of a sudden, and then everything dries up until November...this kind of weather pattern bothers me greatly and has tried to happen a few times in the past 10 years....
Remember, this rain we are having on the west coast right now, clear into Mexico, is up to 3-5" A DAY.


Any of you out this way ?

My birds are doing excellent !!!
Could not be happier !!
Just wanted to say HI!!

I am leary that we might have the constant drenching rain STOP, all of a sudden, and then everything dries up until November...this kind of weather pattern bothers me greatly and has tried to happen a few times in the past 10 years....
Remember, this rain we are having on the west coast right now, clear into Mexico, is up to 3-5" A DAY.


Any of you out this way ?

My birds are doing excellent !!!
Could not be happier !!
Just wanted to say HI!!

So sorry to hear about that miserable weather. We saw some of the coverage on the news headlines.

Our weather patterns are very different. We normally get hit hard with severe cold & lots of snow. This has been the most mild Chicago winter we've ever had. We had a few below zero days/nights in Dec, but that was all. Yes we got a few snowstorms with 6-8", but nothing to cause school closings. In fact, we are actually having all sorts of record highs. It was mid/ upper 60s over the weekend. The kids were wearing shorts & it feels like spring. Because we can sometimes still get snow in early April, the coop will stay winterized. But, even the chickens think it feels like spring. Our egg production is up & the young roos are acting cocky.
So sorry to hear about that miserable weather. We saw some of the coverage on the news headlines.

Our weather patterns are very different. We normally get hit hard with severe cold & lots of snow. This has been the most mild Chicago winter we've ever had. We had a few below zero days/nights in Dec, but that was all. Yes we got a few snowstorms with 6-8", but nothing to cause school closings. In fact, we are actually having all sorts of record highs. It was mid/ upper 60s over the weekend. The kids were wearing shorts & it feels like spring. Because we can sometimes still get snow in early April, the coop will stay winterized. But, even the chickens think it feels like spring. Our egg production is up & the young roos are acting cocky.
Yeah I seen so many of y'all out on the "beach" in Chicago, swimsuits on...and the weather temps were in the 70s// which is HOT for Chicago this time of year.
I have a Chicago native son-in-law....who my daughter has brought out here, and he still has family back there, so we are now a melded Bears/Cubs/ loose meat sandwich family...

Dang the weather looked awesome !
Wanted to let all of you know, that we here in the Western most northern state in the union, Washington, are just fine.
We ususally get a little over 2 inches of rain in February,,, we have gotton over 14" here so far this month, and the month not over.................................we on the west coast & more north than any other state, we are hit by the Pineapple express like a fire hose.

This year, California is being hit hard, VERY HARD and for some reason, Oregon is being spared...which is OK with Oregon !

We (Oregon and Washington) are used to this, even though it is over double our usual rain & snow fall...we have rivers here, Cali does not.

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