A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I am so sorry he isn't doing well. Hopefully he makes it. Is he at least drinking water? When we have birds that are ill or injured during the cold months, we put them in a warm dry place. Would it be possible to coop the brothers up together in a warm place and keep encouraging him to eat? He is certainly stressed, so a little sugar water and electrolytes may help. He must be drinking, otherwise he would have already passed if he hadn't had anything to drink in a week I would imagine. Offer supportive care and hopefully nurse him through it would be my suggestion. Maybe even some antibiotics if an infection is suspected. He may be easier to get a hold of after dark unless he roosts high in a tree. As lethargic as you describe him, he may be on the ground roosting.
Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately he passed away yesterday. The injuries that I thought were from fighting, was actually fowl pox. He had growths all over his mouth and throat, so that's why he was not eating. I have never seen it so bad before. What a horrible way to die :( I think his other brother had it too, because he had black marks on his head. I thought the 2 of them were just fighting.

No one else has any symptoms, but I am very worried now :( They have all been eating/drinking out of the same containers.
Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately he passed away yesterday. The injuries that I thought were from fighting, was actually fowl pox. He had growths all over his mouth and throat, so that's why he was not eating. I have never seen it so bad before. What a horrible way to die :( I think his other brother had it too, because he had black marks on his head. I thought the 2 of them were just fighting.

No one else has any symptoms, but I am very worried now :( They have all been eating/drinking out of the same containers.
Sorry for your loss
Spreads by mosquitoes
If I was Santa, I would prefer the wench over the winch.
Depends on your situation I guess. A wench won't help you get your sleigh out of the mud, and a winch won't keep you warm at night. But neither will a wench, because while you're sleeping she will steal your wallet, bag of toys, and sleigh and break your heart.

Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately he passed away yesterday. The injuries that I thought were from fighting, was actually fowl pox. He had growths all over his mouth and throat, so that's why he was not eating. I have never seen it so bad before. What a horrible way to die :( I think his other brother had it too, because he had black marks on his head. I thought the 2 of them were just fighting.

No one else has any symptoms, but I am very worried now :( They have all been eating/drinking out of the same containers.
I am so sorry for your loss. Wet pox can definitely be fatal. We had it about 7-8 years ago in some chickens and lost a hen to it. The others recovered, but one lost vision in her eye from it. It's rough stuff. When its really bad they cant eat and also their airways can get full of lesions and occlude, so they die from not being able to breathe or eat.
I am so sorry for your loss. Wet pox can definitely be fatal. We had it about 7-8 years ago in some chickens and lost a hen to it. The others recovered, but one lost vision in her eye from it. It's rough stuff. When its really bad they cant eat and also their airways can get full of lesions and occlude, so they die from not being able to breathe or eat.
There is also a third form. That form is also fatal.
I am so sorry for your loss. Wet pox can definitely be fatal. We had it about 7-8 years ago in some chickens and lost a hen to it. The others recovered, but one lost vision in her eye from it. It's rough stuff. When its really bad they cant eat and also their airways can get full of lesions and occlude, so they die from not being able to breathe or eat.
Gosh, everything I read says wet pox is rare. I never even suspected it. This is horrible :( I am so worried :(
I like the cone because it helps cut down on the bird flopping and slinging blood everywhere.
We have a cone big enough to fit a large broiler in so it would fit a younger turkey but not an older one. We use the cone and cutting the jugulars method for our chickens so that may be how we do our turkeys also.
Yes, the cone keeps the blood contained to a bucket and all the flopping and wing beating helps with bruising (on you and the bird:D).
I use sharp sharp loppers. Sometimes I put them in the cone. But carrying the bird across the yard yelling that he is being attacked gets everyone in an uproar.
Before I had a cone I would wrap the ankles with electrical tape, put bird on his chest, hold their feet gently with my foot, reach over with lopper and off with the head. They flop around so I have to do away from the electric net fence. Lots less drama than the trip to the cone. My birds have never been handled so they freak when I carry them. So I have gone back to this way
Any way you can get big birds or any other livestock to the table, on your own that works for you is a good way:)
Pardon my sleep deprived night shift mind for my unfortunate spelling error. Lol

The unintentional context of my statement with the spelling error was quite risqué. My apologies. 🤭
My parents were good at poor grammar and poor spelling. Thanks to my grade 7 and 8 English teacher I do better. I was a teenager before I knew what Dad called a tuba four was a 2 x 4
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