A Guinea Fowl Picture contest WINNERS ANNOUNCED by Judge OSUman #102


Please post a pic of your helmeted Guinea fowl too !!

You have some beautiful birds and not all of us on this forum knows that Guineas are auch a diverse breed.

I have decided on giving out a 10 dollars gift certificate to the first place person.

The judges will need to start forming opinions and messaging each other as to a common goal of determining the first place winner.

Please select a second and third place person too.

When you all are done, send me a PM so I can declare the winners.

So far the pcitures are awesum !!

Pesonally I have a few favorites, but my lips are sealed and I await the great Judges to tell me their choice.
Yes any of the true wild guineas need to be kept in a heated barn if you have below freezing temps. We keep them in our Monkey Barns which is kept at about 70 degrees.

Just what do you call this breed? I love the coloring. I bet they are hard to keep in cooler climates??

These are Vulturines. We also have Kenya Crested, which I posted a photo on the first page of this thread and Reichenow Helmeted Guineafowl. We have domestic guineas- Pearls, Lavendars, Slates, etc running around the farm too.​
This is one of my favorites of the guineas tormenting our dogs. It's as if they are saying " Ha Ha we're outside and you're not!" Usually sounds like they are laughing at them too!


This one is of our male guinea who may or may not have been stalking our drake!
Aww!! It's so ugly!
That's the one from me, isn't it?

yes !!! it is ! its really cool ! eats flys! haha its not mean and it hasnt been to loud yet.

Did you see the other post of some of my guineas babies? The darker ones are females, and the lighter one is a male. Judging by what I can see in your pic, I think it's a female, but you'd be the better judge, since you have it there with you. You should be able to tell by its call by now as well, I have some 2-3 month olds (not from my birds) that are calling already.
That's one definite plus to the dundottes, you can tell at hatch what sex they are by their color
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