A Haunting...

I just started watching A Haunting, but now they're repeating the darned repeats...
That picture one was really neat.
I also liked the one where the family had moved to Taiwan and the house had bad FengShui.

GHI went to Europe and checked out Elizabeth Bathory's digs and didn't find a darned THING!!! comeon now!!!
Sometimes GHI staff dont always find anything....sometimes those ghosties dont wanna show themselves that night!

Most Haunted and GHI did one haunting house and got two different reviews. GHI didnt find a darn thing! GRRR! It was one of those decorative English mansion, black or brown in color with white crosses all over it. I can not remember the name of the place.
I just started watching this show a few weeks ago. Cool show but it makes you wonder
I have to admit, I am a GH and GHI fan.
Most Haunted was okay, but I like it when they have new stories.
I always wait with evil glee to see the real people LOL

I am the same way...they always have this beautiful actress playing the lead female's role, then show the "real" lady, she is always like enourmous and toothless with scraggly hair...I am glad I am not the only one who enjoys that!!
I love these have had fortune to have met a few from TAPS, but, its not the ghosts, people its the fact that you can see the inside creepy corners in the basement to the attic, especially over seas. Also the history and stories are such a cool aspect to the "hauntings".
I too love the people, places and things...Should have just said "I love the Noun" (giggle).
I think my mom and I have sen every episode of A Haunting.. I have seen that one with Micheal the soldier a few times!!!
I am a faithful Ghost Hunters watcher!! Just wantched the season finale of international, on September 2nd or 3rd the new season starts!!!

It does make you think..A LOT
we uns hil bilies don't mind.
My DS and I are hooked on Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. We have the DVR set to record for when we are not home, and when DS can't watch now because of bedtime for school. I was so upset, though,because the finale wasn't recorded! I aksed dh if he deleted it, since he thinks we are crazy to watch, and he said nope. What a bummer. I hope that it was good!

DMK Ranch
Did y’all see that episode of Ghost Hunters where the little kid ghosts say on the recorder “they don’t want us!” and the lady burst into tears?

That episode just tore my heart out.

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