A NEW Black peacock !

Blacker than this .... beh .... there isn't!

noir 15.PNG

noir 11.jpg

noir 5.jpg

noir 8.jpg
Fingers crossed....i hope... i really hope.
The one who will create the first BLACK BLACK shoulder will have put on his glasses!

Which male to choose?

nigripenne 2.PNG

It is by ONE cross that we will pick up the 'black shoulder' genes!
The quality of the first birds is very important!

Even to fix the black color if we could work with wild peahens it would be great!

wild 2.jpg
I do love all black birds, a black Peacock would be pretty amazing too.
All of the pictures in this thread of Peafowl are beautiful.
(Those 2 males above in post #32 look like a Peacock @KsKingBee has)

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