A Paintball Gun Will Kill A Chipmunk - Warning Pics

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Moles and field MICE my free range chickens take care of...BOY you should see how they all fight over em!! Got a nasty chipmunk who keeps getting in the feed bin when the hens are free ranging during the day!

Did you know you didn't need a GUN license in NH to own or purchase a gun!! LOL
I find it funny that your surprised it killed it,

Have your ever been hit with your paintball gun?
I have been hit at about 10 feet away several times and have actually bled.

Most paintball guns are set for at least 300 fps (feet per second) that's alot of power.

Had one dummy stick his finger in the barrel of the gun thinking he would stop it from firing . It ripped off his fingernail.

Its the reason I gave a 10 min lecture on goggle safety before every round of games.
well probably less then 5.00 but if you sold it to people who don't know fur you could get an easy 7.00
If you sell it to knowledgeable fur expert it could go for 2.50-4.00$

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