Absolutely silent rooster?

I was wondering why anyone would complain about a silent roo. If anyone has 1 for sale I'll take it

Same Here, I would Like one of those quiet ones....
I had to let my 2 Roo's go because of the crowing.
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I wonder if the rooster is hearing impaired. Even if he made chick noises, if the hearing loss developed as he matured he would loss the ability to talk to his flock mates. Being half deaf, literally, I find my social interaction greatly reduced, even with hearing aids, it is easier not to talk. I don't have the embarrassment of hearing the wrong word or pitching my voice incorrectly- and heaven forbid if I sing
. Chickens are verbal, have at least 30 "words", the broody and chicks have their own words long before the chicks pip. Hearing impairment would be rare; in a wild environment, they rooster would have fallen to an unheard predator never reaching adulthood. Might be interesting to watch for that.
I have been emailing the lady all day and she says that he makes no noises at all. She also says that he has no interest in doing the deed with any of her girls and that he generally acts very adolescent still. He hatched out the third week of March, which makes him almost exactly 6 months old now. There are no other roosters on site (but he was around them at my place for the first 8 weeks of his life). Her girls that are the same age are laying already, which would make me think the boy should be mature as well. Around here the boys mature and start trying to do the deed long before the girls start laying.

A hearing issue makes sense about the vocalizations, but it seems odd that he hasn't matured. I need to get a picture from her. I was pretty sure at 8 weeks that he was male. A wide red comb was popping up. She seems to think he is a rooster as well, which makes me think that he looks roosterish as compared to the hens I sold her. Dunno. It's a mystery for sure. Why would he not be mounting the girls if he is the only, thus dominant, rooster?

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