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Aria spoke up. ''Funny thing, I guess they don't know how to tie a knot.'' Then in the darkness, she grinned.
That got Joleen's attention. "What did you just say, Aria?" She whispered very softly. Ming was still sobbing over in the corner. Aria came over to the bed and whispered in Joleen's ear, "I said they don't know how to tie knots." She then stated undoing Joleen's ties. Then went over to do Ming's.
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Ming stared up at Aria, tears staining his face, his jaw hanging slack with wonder. "We're free?"

"Yes," Aria answered simply. "Now how do we get out of here?"

Joleen gave no answer. She was busy running her fingertips along the edges of the wall, searching for a break, a seam, a crevice. Somehow they had gotten inside. So there had to be a way out!
That's when Joleen felt it. It had to be a board nailed over a window. It just had to be a window, she could feel the molding all the way around it. She tried to pull on the board, but couldn't get any leverage with her fingertips. Then she remembered the toy jet in her pocket. She quickly retrieved it. Joleen then used one of it's wings to get between the molding and the board seam. She used her palm to drive it into place. She gently pulled out towards her, light started showing though the crack eliminating the room. She then moved the jet up a little higher and did the same. Until she could work her fingers underneath the board.
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Joleen had been so occupied with her prying of the boards she forgot all about Ming who was standing right behind her. "Is that my toy jet?"
Joleen glared back at him in the pale light of the room and said," keep your voice down and yes, this is you toy jet. I'll give it back to you in just a few minutes." She then went back to loosening the boards. She almost had it. She just hoped the nails didn't make any loud noises. She held her breath, as she used steady pressure to pry up the board the rest of the way. The bright light was blinding, after the total darkness.
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As quiet as she could Joleen gently set the debris down next to them she then ushered Aria and Ming to crawl out first. "Don't look back and run as fast as you can. I'm coming right behind you." Joleen gave her brother an extra push. Ming caught himself and broke into a sprint. It was almost too inappropriate that Victor and another man came in as Joleen tried crawling out of the small hole that she made, being older and taller than the other two it was much harder to squeeze through. Joleen tried and struggled but sighed secretly with relief as Aria and Ming disappeared in the treeline. She had finally managed to squeeze out of the opening only to be met by two other thugs. Now the teen's game was to distract the men as long as she could and hope that Ming and Aria would call in reinforcements.
Joleen started to run very fast along the house, before the two thugs could catch her. She rounded the corner and saw the SUV. She thought up a plan and ran for it, hopefully in their hast, they'd left it unlocked. Grabbing the door handle closest to her, she let out a breath when it opened freely. She then quickly got inside and locked that door and hurried to do the same to the others. She then climbed in the drivers seat, figuring that she could buy more time for her brother and Aria buy holding onto the steering wheel. She did enjoy glaring at them as they pounded on the glass. She thought to herself, they'd get the keys and open the doors eventually. But dumb and dumber, obviously didn't have them. That's good, more time was all she wanted. After awhile, Victor and the other guy came out the front of the house. Joleen gulped as she saw pure unadulterated anger on Victor's face. Oh, he definitely was not happy. He was yelling at the thug brothers for some reason. Wait a minute, something wasn't right here. Joleen started looking around, that's when she saw that the keys, were in the ignition. She was so glad that she had run for the car. She quickly started it and threw it in reverse. That's about when the guns started to come out. But she only had one chance at this.
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The SUV roared backwards as she pressed her foot on the accelerator and crunched into a tree. She pushed it into geared then rolled forward, almost crushing the men. Jolee drove across a bridge and could hear the angry shouts of the men behind her.

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