Added eggs while incubating - update: all 6 ducklings hatched and younger egg in incubator

Yes, they splatter it everywhere. Preferably after they first took a mouthful of food. The splatters are over a feet high and it's only day 1. Be prepared!
Yes, they splatter it everywhere. Preferably after they first took a mouthful of food. The splatters are over a feet high and it's only day 1. Be prepared!

The food splatters are one thing... I was never able to understand how they got poop on the side of the brooder that was higher than their heads.
The food splatters are one thing... I was never able to understand how they got poop on the side of the brooder that was higher than their heads. :idunno

Lol! I had mine against a wall and there was poop and food a couple feet up the wall and I'm going WTH? Lol. Ended up putting one of those plastic table cloths behind it to protect my wall!

I wanted to move them into the guinea pig cage.. Turns out they can escape through the bars! Now they're in a swimming pool, they like the space but I'm afraid it's not high enough to keep them in

My mum and I put a small table in it and covered it with a blanket. It looks like a circus tent. I hope they stay inside and behave themselves.

As you can see the duckling in the second picture has bright orange spots on his feet, I've never seen that before is it normal for ducklings? The other ones also have it a bit, but not so bright.

I wanted to move them into the guinea pig cage.. Turns out they can escape through the bars! Now they're in a swimming pool, they like the space but I'm afraid it's not high enough to keep them in

My mum and I put a small table in it and covered it with a blanket. It looks like a circus tent. I hope they stay inside and behave themselves.

As you can see the duckling in the second picture has bright orange spots on his feet, I've never seen that before is it normal for ducklings? The other ones also have it a bit, but not so bright.

Spotted feet are normal, you see it in a lot of ducklings.

They're very cute!
I wanted to move them into the guinea pig cage.. Turns out they can escape through the bars! Now they're in a swimming pool, they like the space but I'm afraid it's not high enough to keep them in :( My mum and I put a small table in it and covered it with a blanket. It looks like a circus tent. I hope they stay inside and behave themselves. As you can see the duckling in the second picture has bright orange spots on his feet, I've never seen that before is it normal for ducklings? The other ones also have it a bit, but not so bright.
Incredible photo! Love it! The pool is a great idea. I clear out a section of laundry and barricade it in. The bathtub also works in a pinch. My laundry idea is not working on baby chickens...

I wanted to move them into the guinea pig cage.. Turns out they can escape through the bars! Now they're in a swimming pool, they like the space but I'm afraid it's not high enough to keep them in

My mum and I put a small table in it and covered it with a blanket. It looks like a circus tent. I hope they stay inside and behave themselves.

As you can see the duckling in the second picture has bright orange spots on his feet, I've never seen that before is it normal for ducklings? The other ones also have it a bit, but not so bright.

The pool is a cute idea. Can't tell exactly how deep it is, but ducklings should have a hard time getting out of it. Curved sides, and slick. Mine are 6+ weeks old and still have a little trouble getting in and out of their plastic kiddie pool! But they can climb, so just don't put anything around the edges that they could use to get out. Otherwise, I think its fine! Chicks on the other hand, I'm having fun keeping my week-old chicks in an 18-inch deep plastic tote! They can hop like nobody's business! I actually found some poop on top of my quart-jar waterer! How did that get there?? LOL

Spotted feet? Yea... check out my girl's stripes!

We are going into winter so your pics keep me going! If you are ever in doubt about assisting, look up 'the step by step guide to assisted hatching' on this site. I have read it 50 times at least, and no doubt will again. I read it every time someone's unzipping....calms me down

LOL, don't over stress yourself..
Wow I didn't know it was so common, I guess I've never taken a close look on the wild ducklings. She's cute! What breed or colour is she?

The pool is about a feet high, sometimes I hear a duckling bounce off in a failed attempt to escape. I thought about putting them in the bathtub but it's more fun if they're in the living room. I got the pool idea from a photo on this forum actually
Never knew chicks can jump that high, impressive! Better warn my uncle, he has 20 chicken eggs in the incubator

They like to hang out on the heating plate, they'll fall off but jump back on right away.

Sometimes they're calling me, the panic squeaks they do when they can't find mom. I'm feeling bad because duck moms are always around and I have other things to do too

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