ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

I know it told us to change the battery at 6 months but we still have not had to. I keep waiting for the time when I go out and it wont open. We put it in the side of a steel garage. So that was the hardest part cutting the steel. After that it went in fairly easy. I emailed service one time when I held the button and could not get it to work right. If you read the directions youll find out that is a setting some people want. Anyway he answered within 15 minutes to tell me what to do. All in all I think this was a good buy,
Understandable! Lots of good options out there.

My main needs are:

1. Must work in New Hampshire ice and cold.
2. Must be able to be opened in the event it breaks.
3. Must be battery or solar.
4. Preferable that it has a light sensor or changes closing/opening times with the seasons automatically (would hate to reprogram the darn thing ever week as rise/set changes.

I think that's about it. The biggest thing is that it works reliably and closes when it's dark, not earlier.
My main needs are:

1. Must work in New Hampshire ice and cold.
2. Must be able to be opened in the event it breaks.
3. Must be battery or solar.
4. Preferable that it has a light sensor or changes closing/opening times with the seasons automatically (would hate to reprogram the darn thing ever week as rise/set changes.

I think that's about it. The biggest thing is that it works reliably and closes when it's dark, not earlier.

Here are my thoughts:
1. I live in the PNW, so don't have direct experience with this, but if you go to the Ador web site and then to 'blog', and scroll down to testimonials, there are several people from cold areas who are pleased. One fellow from Ontario, Ca, where temps went down to minus 23c, etc.
2.there is a manual override, but I believe there is a way to crank it open too. I haven't investigated that, but probably should.
3.yes to both.
4.If you scroll up a few posts, I mention the external sensor that I installed this winter. I love it. the door closes at nearly dark; my chickens have been in their coop for at least 1.2 hour.
I highly recommend this if you aren't sure the built in sensor will get enough light, especially in winter.
Here are my thoughts:
1. I live in the PNW, so don't have direct experience with this, but if you go to the Ador web site and then to 'blog', and scroll down to testimonials, there are several people from cold areas who are pleased. One fellow from Ontario, Ca, where temps went down to minus 23c, etc.
2.there is a manual override, but I believe there is a way to crank it open too. I haven't investigated that, but probably should.
3.yes to both.
4.If you scroll up a few posts, I mention the external sensor that I installed this winter. I love it. the door closes at nearly dark; my chickens have been in their coop for at least 1.2 hour.
I highly recommend this if you aren't sure the built in sensor will get enough light, especially in winter.

Thank you!

I'm considering mounting it inside the coop to keep it from the elements (otherwise it will be right under the roof drip) and using the remote photo sensor mounted outside and a remote manual button.
I had not been reading BYC forum for a long time (my bad).... but we just posted a new product that may interest you. It is the CANOPY which is a prefab OVERHANG. Needless to say, it would be a bit of work to build an overhang if your coop doesn't already have one. Some people mount the ADOR on a fence and there's NO overhang. To keep the ADOR1 or ADOR2 better protected, it is good but not required to have an overhang.
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The side of the door (and middle of the turkey door) have holes that the gear teeth run in to open and close the door.
There's no reason why you can't run a strip of clear packing tape on the sliding panel over the column of holes. The sprocket will have no trouble "walking over" and piercing the tape to put little slits in the holes. If there is truly a draft issue through the holes, the tape should cover it pretty well. But I'm thinking most coops are drafty and maybe this will not make much difference overall.
Sure, but it sounds as if others have already looked, so I doubt that I will.
Please see the BLOG on about rechargeable batteries and chargers available over the counter at local stores. I don't know if Tractor Supply is nationwide but they have 6 volt chargers and 6 volt batteries.
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