Advice on Free Range Peafowl

They love their dump truck, when DH was digging our 4th pond and hauling dirt he would leave the dump truck out by the pond next morning the peas went straight to the dump truck to dry out in the sun, thing is there was no sun because of our tree line
then every evening they would make their rounds and always stopped by to check on their truck, funny stuff right there

At least it was your dump truck and not a new car. They sure love what they claim as theirs. I moved my breeders to a new pen and they kept crying until I realized they missed their black dog box, as soon as I moved it in they were just fine. That is like the secret hang out. Lol I love to watch the secretive way they walk to it, kind of like don't let the human into our club.
Zaz, found my guinea nest less than an hour ago, lots of eggs; however, I didn't count on finding 2 pea eggs in the same nest. Pea vs. Guinea, who will take charge of the nest. I desperately need guineas, but would like to see some pea chicks as well. Don't have an incubator either. I'll just have to keep my eye on nest to see if any more pea eggs show up.
A thought just came to me, I could make another nest next to the guinea nest and move all the pea eggs, it would be a few feet away so they won't fight. It would be so close that the pea might not get suspicious? Hmmm, do you think it might work?
Zaz, found my guinea nest less than an hour ago, lots of eggs; however, I didn't count on finding 2 pea eggs in the same nest. Pea vs. Guinea, who will take charge of the nest. I desperately need guineas, but would like to see some pea chicks as well. Don't have an incubator either. I'll just have to keep my eye on nest to see if any more pea eggs show up.
If she already layed 2 eggs it is likely she will lay more there, the guineas can hatch them but it is risky if their eggs are in their also, you could make a nest next to the one they made and just put a couple eggs in it from the guineas and let them work it out, if the peahen decides to sit it will be after the 4th or 5 egg, some say as many as seven anyhow the guineas are going to load that nest up before they sit, they got a number in mind i have yet to figure out cause many of mine are lay and sit together, but the peahen will start to sit way before they do and she will sit so tight the guineas will either have to lay in the new nest or move on.
If the guineas do start to lay in the new nest just take or move their eggs every day leaving just the pea eggs and pray she is a sitter.

I have noticed my hens will do what i call play sit, they will come back to the nest and sit all day then leave in the evening , seen this go o for a couple days before they committed to sitting. hope this helps, these are just things i have learned about threw my birds.

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Thanks Zaz!

Great picture of your guineas; one of mine has one white feather in his wing just like yours. Appreciate your advise, will make a nest close to their existing nest and move some of the guinea eggs there and will just keep an eye on the situation. Thanks again, will update on their progress.
My guineas are in this weird phase of gaining feathers. Unless my chickens have pecked them out! But their heads look blue!
Oscar claimed out wood pile but the wood has now been used on our room addition. So now he is checking out other areas.


I'm back with some new updates. The guinea hen owns the nest and is incubating 14 guinea and 2 pea eggs, she's a 1st time momma. Also, I found by accident a peahen sitting on 4 eggs up against our 8 foot critter proof fence; she came off the nest when I shook the food bowl and came right over to eat, plus I brought her a water bowl which she at first hesitated to drink from until I turned around to leave, then she drank from it. She didn't pick the best spot to nest; it's right out in the open; the grass around her is just tall enough to conceal her whereabouts. Hope you and your critters are doing well.
that is great news
i found a hen nesting this week also she is in a high spot where another hen hatched out 4 last year.
Don't forget to write down when ya found them, might want to put a fence around them at hatch time so you can put her in a pen with baby for a few days, gives them a chance to get strong and be able to keep up better, my hen lost the one baby i left her with in an hour so i put her in the pen with all the babies, she had over 30 of them to look after
but once i turned them all loose she was a big help in teaching them the free range way. she is currently on 3 eggs i left her with , found her by accident, wasn't looking but she had just started sitting , gonna try the babies agin this year but only after i pen them for a few days.

Lost a few 3 week old guinea keets in a flash flood , first time sence 2005 i seen them raise a clutch past a few days still got 9 left but it remined me to watch for rains when chicks are about.
Keep us posted on the progress and don't forget them baby pictures

Cherry and her babies

Not her hatchling but she did not care, she really liked being in the pen, i tried to take her out of the pen one time and that was a big mistake, had to put her back in cause they were all making such a fuss they had every bird and dog in the place trying to figure out what the heck was going on

she is trying to figure out which one of the three is hers , i hatched the other 2 in the incubator.
So Oscar is really finding his wings. Should we clip them? He almost flew onto the road.
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