Advice on Free Range Peafowl

I highly recommend putting a band on his leg- ASAP. I bought brass plates from a saddlery store- the kind you put on your saddle or halter. I had them print my Tel# in the biggest font possible (assuming it will be read with binoculars), filed the edges nice and smooth, bent it into a circle (hammered it around a dowel) and put it around the birds leg (a whole nother story). There is a thread here somewhere I wrote last year -complete with pictures. Also -train him to a call and special treats-ie, dried meal worms or hard boiled egg yolks. Call and treat multiple times for several days, then consistently every evening before dusk. You want him in the habit of coming home before dusk to roost. Make sure you have a great roosting spot for him. If you don't have tall trees, or high roof- install a pergola or build a nice high ,secure roost, where he can have a view of his domain. If you dint have a good place for him to roost- nice and high- he will go hind the neighbors who do.

And,... there is a lot of talk tonight about mirrors, but I have a different view (tee hee, get it?). My peacock is the only male bird on my property, no roosters, just 1 peahen and lots of chicken hens.
He's extremely docile and friendly. No other males to compete with. He takes very good care of all the hens, pea and chicken alike. He used to take off , disappear periodically, and each time I found him, he was admiring himself in some ones window, or glass storm door. I started banding him for one, and..... bought a large plexi-glass (unbreakable) mirror- from an auto supply store. Got them to cut me a rectangle and even drill holes for hanging. Been 2 years now, and he hasn't left once. Probably doesn't want the bird in the mirror -moving in on his chicks!

So, 1) BAND
2) Good Roost/Perch
3) Train-Treats w/Call
4) Plexi Mirror
5) Break down and get a Peahen
Good Luck
Yes, they can spend hours in front of the glass door or window at my house. It's funny to watch the baby pea boys try to display the little trains that they have, they're just practicing for the following year when they'll be 2 year old. One hen left her nest after a big storm hit and has never gone back to it; wish she'd start another nest, her, an another mature pea hen. They act like they're in no hurry to reproduce. Last year both hens laid eggs, neither nest hatched out. The pea cock does his best all day long, but the hens seem disinterested, maybe they mate when I'm not around watching. Would like to see some babies this year if possible.

My friend who sold these to me has his penned up and has babies every year, mine are free range 100% of the time, never caged, not even at night. I know they can live very long lives, so maybe they not in a hurry for a family. They are 3 yrs old, I've heard they can live to age 50; maybe I'll still be alive to see the

next generation of peas.
I highly recommend putting a band on his leg- ASAP. I bought brass plates from a saddlery store- the kind you put on your saddle or halter. I had them print my Tel# in the biggest font possible (assuming it will be read with binoculars), filed the edges nice and smooth, bent it into a circle (hammered it around a dowel) and put it around the birds leg (a whole nother story). There is a thread here somewhere I wrote last year -complete with pictures. Also -train him to a call and special treats-ie, dried meal worms or hard boiled egg yolks. Call and treat multiple times for several days, then consistently every evening before dusk. You want him in the habit of coming home before dusk to roost. Make sure you have a great roosting spot for him. If you don't have tall trees, or high roof- install a pergola or build a nice high ,secure roost, where he can have a view of his domain. If you dint have a good place for him to roost- nice and high- he will go hind the neighbors who do.

And,... there is a lot of talk tonight about mirrors, but I have a different view (tee hee, get it?). My peacock is the only male bird on my property, no roosters, just 1 peahen and lots of chicken hens.
He's extremely docile and friendly. No other males to compete with. He takes very good care of all the hens, pea and chicken alike. He used to take off , disappear periodically, and each time I found him, he was admiring himself in some ones window, or glass storm door. I started banding him for one, and..... bought a large plexi-glass (unbreakable) mirror- from an auto supply store. Got them to cut me a rectangle and even drill holes for hanging. Been 2 years now, and he hasn't left once. Probably doesn't want the bird in the mirror -moving in on his chicks!

So, 1) BAND
2) Good Roost/Perch
3) Train-Treats w/Call
4) Plexi Mirror
5) Break down and get a Peahen
Good Luck

If your mirrors are unbreakable or at least shatterproof they should be fine unless he would decide to just batter himself bloody against one. All Peas are different I have 14 mature males here and only one of them has major testosterone aggression, the others are generally very well behaved all year round. The male who does have it didn't start to act out until he was 7 or 8 years old and he has bloodied his legs and head by bashing them against my patio door, he didn't break the glass but he hits it pretty hard. He almost scalped the hen he was with the first year it happened because I didn't realize quick enough what was going on. I don't really think penning has anything to do with it, this male free ranged more than anyone else because he is very friendly and social. I think it is just an individual hormone imbalance and hopefully you will never have to deal with it. We've had Peafowl for almost 20 years now and we currently have 32 of them, in all that time this one male is the only problem aggressor we've had so it isn't prevalent, but quite a few other members are dealing with it as well, so it isn't super rare. I just don't want to see anyone else's Peacock cut itself up on a glass mirror.
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@msmolly this is his roost! Look good?? About 7' off the ground.
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Where are you located? I don't have a peahen for sale but saying where you are can help us find people near you so that you won't have to ship a peahen to you.

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