Advice re: My Pet Chicken


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Hi, all:

We just received our second shipment of five chicks from My Pet Chicken. Our first shipment in June of last year all arrived alive and full of p#ss and vinegar. We still have three of them, and they are well-loved.

Today's shipment arrived dead. This was confirmed by the lady at the post office, who mentioned not hearing a sound from them at all. Not only that, but they never shipped our fifth chick, a mottled cochin bantam. So you can imagine we're sad and angry.

When I called MPC, a very nice rep told me they were having a "lot of trouble" with dead chicks from a distribution hub "in that area". Turns out MPC isn't from Connecticut at all, it's only an order center. Chicks are shipped from Ohio. So anyhow, she thought that they were doing "an emergency shipment" for people with losses, on Monday. Sounds okay, right? So she took down our order #, complaint, and noted our account.

Torey and I talked it over, and decided if they could assure us our next shipment wouldn't die, we'd order.

When I called back, a different rep took the call. She knew nothing about any "special shipment" of replacement chicks. She was, in fact, very condescending and reluctant to even enter the info needed for reshipment or refund. In addition to giving me the runaround about the "special order", she continually dodged giving a direct answer about A. would anything be done differently then last time?, and B. could she offer any assurance that we wouldn't be just killing five more chicks with our order? After the third time she stubbornly repeated that they "will take any precautions to insure safety for the chicks", it was apparent nothing would be done. So we decided on the refund. She was extremely reluctant to pay back our shipping cost (actually more than the chicks), and had to be reminded of their own policy... and this in view of a 100% loss.

So they seem to be having problems that can't identify with their hatchery, and in the meantime, any orders placed there could very well be risking the same results. Bad enough if you order a few, if you order a lot, you could end up with a lot of dead or suffering chicks.

I don't want any of you to have a similar problem, so thought I'd better fill you all in on what's happened.

Buy carefully, folks, and try to benefit from our experience.

We will be buying day-old peeps tomorrow, from a local hatchery. Straight run, so we're already looking for homes for our 'roos.

I would be very frustrated by the runaround. They should be giving you a consistent answer no matter which rep you talk to.

However, I can't imagine they could give much of an assurance or prediction on the likelihood of the next order faring better. None of the hatcheries have ANY control over the Postal system, and that's their only way of sending chicks. There may be a link in the Postal chain where chicks get hotter/colder, are shaken up more, are left longer, etc. that they can't do anything about. There's been a pretty devastating large heat wave, and I'd imagine a lot of chicks shipped during that time have suffered. It's a risk ordering through the mail. We did it because we aren't allowed roos and wanted to get silkies, but we knew it was a huge risk. We tried for a good weather window and got lucky.

I would maybe contact them again and try to speak to upper management. You shouldn't have had to battle over their policy on 100% losses - it's bad enough that the chicks died never mind having to let them know what their policy is.

I wish you the best of luck with your local order. May the ratio be in favor of pullets.
Hi, all:

We just received our second shipment of five chicks from My Pet Chicken. Our first shipment in June of last year all arrived alive and full of p#ss and vinegar. We still have three of them, and they are well-loved.

Today's shipment arrived dead. This was confirmed by the lady at the post office, who mentioned not hearing a sound from them at all. Not only that, but they never shipped our fifth chick, a mottled cochin bantam. So you can imagine we're sad and angry.

When I called MPC, a very nice rep told me they were having a "lot of trouble" with dead chicks from a distribution hub "in that area". Turns out MPC isn't from Connecticut at all, it's only an order center. Chicks are shipped from Ohio. So anyhow, she thought that they were doing "an emergency shipment" for people with losses, on Monday. Sounds okay, right? So she took down our order #, complaint, and noted our account.

Torey and I talked it over, and decided if they could assure us our next shipment wouldn't die, we'd order.

When I called back, a different rep took the call. She knew nothing about any "special shipment" of replacement chicks. She was, in fact, very condescending and reluctant to even enter the info needed for reshipment or refund. In addition to giving me the runaround about the "special order", she continually dodged giving a direct answer about A. would anything be done differently then last time?, and B. could she offer any assurance that we wouldn't be just killing five more chicks with our order? After the third time she stubbornly repeated that they "will take any precautions to insure safety for the chicks", it was apparent nothing would be done. So we decided on the refund. She was extremely reluctant to pay back our shipping cost (actually more than the chicks), and had to be reminded of their own policy... and this in view of a 100% loss.

So they seem to be having problems that can't identify with their hatchery, and in the meantime, any orders placed there could very well be risking the same results. Bad enough if you order a few, if you order a lot, you could end up with a lot of dead or suffering chicks.

I don't want any of you to have a similar problem, so thought I'd better fill you all in on what's happened.

Buy carefully, folks, and try to benefit from our experience.

We will be buying day-old peeps tomorrow, from a local hatchery. Straight run, so we're already looking for homes for our 'roos.

So sad. Sounds like the chicks were victims of this extreme heat. :( I am glad you finally got your money back though!
PSW, I wanted to share with you my positive experience with a local hatchery -- they are about 60 miles away (they dont do pickups just ship) we got our chicks in at 7am (at our local PO) after being hatched at 5am the day before-- needless to say they are 100% healthy and happy little chicks-- I could not reccommend more ordering locally if at all possible-- (now I just have to work on learning how to raise chicks properly this is our first batch of dayolds!)
I've had the almost exact same issue. MIne were also battered by the heat pack. And the vent holes weren't punched open.

We were so upset that my husband said he never wanted to order live animals again. I drove 2 hours to the breeder of my first three and came home with 5 more week-old babies!

MPC said they would refund, but I never got a confirmation. When I finally got a human they said I'd been placed on reorder for late september! GRRR. Thankfully the refund has now been processed.

Enjoy your peeps!
I got my first chicks on June 4th from MPC, I waited until then (ordered in March) because I wanted the weather to be better for shipping. I cant imagine any hatchery putting dead or knowingly dying chicks in a box to mail them, so I would say these awful things that have happened lately, could really be due to the heat, and delivery issues..

I wouldnt hesitate to order from MPC again, tho I will do it around the same time as my first batch came.

I'm so sorry for your awful experiences:(

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