After 2 yrs. of free finally happened

Some of us dream of taking our grandchildren to the zoo and pointing to the eagle in the cage and saying: "Look how happy she is because she is safe."

Some of us dream of taking our grandchildren in our back yards and pointing to the eagle flying over and saying: "Look how happy she is because she can SOAR."
Thank you!
Ruth! So true! I can see the occasional eagle soar over my place and it always gives my heart a thrill! There's no feeling like it, really.

I don't necessarily freerange so my birds will be happier, they are just chickens, after all. But they are definitely healthier, I have no problems with them picking on each other, no messy smelly coop = healthier environment, less feed bill, less pests in my orchard, yard and garden, more personal enjoyment seeing those lovely colors dotting my green lawn, etc. I have NO smells in my coop at all, the doors and windows are wide open, the feces are scattered throughout the yard where the dogs happily scoop them up
, the same dogs get exercise and contentment "guarding" the flock from air attacks.

The benefits of free ranging are numerous for me. I have the entire 2 acres fenced with cattle fencing and supplemented with chicken/dog appropriate fencing as well. I don't feel people are being irresponsible free ranging unless they are doing this in a neighborhood. Then this can cause some problems for the everyone.

Some folks just like a good fight, and if you will read the antagonist's signature line, this explains everything. Let's not respond to, or feed, the troll anymore, okay?
As I mentioned in my post, I included her birds in the tally. In turn, you should read a few of the agonized posts from folks who have found dead bird parts all over their free-ranged yards.

BUt I stand by what I and everyone else who free ranges has said...chickens are happier, healthier, and longer lived overall when they free range.

You can repeat statements as many times as you like -- but that doesn't make them any more true than the first time you said them.

If you believe that free-ranged chickens are overall "happier, healthier, and longer lived", then please provide evidence to support your claim.

I could not afford financially to provide veterinary care for 42 geriatric chickens, and I could not afford time wise or emotionally to deal with that many old and ailing ones, myself. Nature has some reasons for doing what she does.

Now, wait. You just got through claiming that free-ranged chickens have LONGER lives than ones in pens. Now you're saying that chickens in PENS are older. Which one is it??​

MODERATORS???? WHERE ARE YOU???? Why this person has taken it upon his/herself to attack me, I have no idea. Obviously, he/she is trying to start some sort of huge controversial discussion. I DON'T APPRECIATE HIS/HER CONTINUAL ATTACKS ON MY POSTS, I'M SIMPLY STATING WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE FOR OUR FLOCK, AND MANY OTHERS. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and are free to make observations...I think I made that clear. Obviously, this person has some sort of guilt trip going on......l..​
Usually, Chickmania, the folks who protest the loudest are the one's who feel that the message applies to them. I think you are correct in thinking some type of guilt, or just the need to make someone feel miserable, is the prime motivation there. The majority of the people here support you entirely!
I also have to agree with the person who said he thought the scream was from a rabbit. They do indeed scream, a very high pitched scream, and I have never heard of a deer screaming.

LMAO! I remember years ago, me and a couple of friends chasing a rabbit down in a fenced in yard and when we all thought we had it, the rabbit rolled over and started screaming like crazy. It scared the crap outta me and I left it alone. He sure showed us. lol.

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