Age to Start Dewormer?


In the Brooder
Feb 22, 2016
What is the best age to start a dewormer?

Best dewormer, liquid in water, feed pellet kind?

How much to give?

How often should it be given, & also routine maintenance?

Best for coop birds or free range birds?

Any natural Remedy to worm prevention? DM Powder I've read.

Do they need it?
Where are you located?
Climate will affect that decision.
I never worm.
Others will disagree with me but I would get a fecal sample read before randomly worming.
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Worm load will vary from none to causing illness, and depends on your environment and their diet. Having fecals checked occasionally is a good idea! Some flocks are fine with no treatment, and others need some help. Products used depend on parasites found. Mary
That again, would depend on your climate. Sometimes I do them yearly or never. You'd also want to check if the bird seemed extremely thin.

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