Mine change sex every day LOL, I can't tell at all, one day I say pullet next day hummmm IDK.

My method for telling... If they cluck it's a pullet. If they crow they are supper.

Wisher i think i seen your ad last night. I wish they were a month or so older. Do you hatch year round?
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My method for telling... If they cluck it's a pullet. If they crow they are supper.

If you have older hens around, they're not likely to crow until much MUCH older. My first cockerel crowed at 9 weeks old, without older gals around to straighten him out. My last ones never crowed and they were 4-5 months old. Those hens keep them in line
I advoid mixing young and old birds. Because some of the older hens are the dictionary description for "pecking order". I see some nice chicks offered here. But will avoid till i either build another fortress or rid of all these.
IMHO When you buy straight run birds or brood your own, the litttle men will tell you who they are. It the same in all species. Whole lot of scie ce and research is not needed. When they begin corting you'll know. Till they get to size for the freezer, they still need fed.
@Wisher1000 We have our first olive egg!

Color balance is a bit off on the first one, but the second one is very close to what I'm getting. Some light blue ones, some slightly greener and now the olive egg
I think that depends....I kid you not, I had a bantam cochin cross "crow" at 10 DAYS old. I have it on video. Weirdest noise ever!

Hey does anybody know a local source (Birmingham or Shelby county area) for the 72 hour uniheat heat packs????

I know some places carry them in the winter. Not sure if Walmart or any of the sporting good store will carry it now.

@Wisher1000 We have our first olive egg!

Color balance is a bit off on the first one, but the second one is very close to what I'm getting. Some light blue ones, some slightly greener and now the olive egg
Congrats on the eggs! I know you been wanting different color ones.
Mine change sex every day LOL, I can't tell at all, one day I say pullet next day hummmm IDK.
Mine did the same. Never knew the sex until they drop an egg or crowed
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I hardly go out that way or I'd be all over that. But I need to be honest with myself.. I need to get 2-3 production birds to put under broody, so I can eat them. The flock doesn't need any more permanent birds. As it is I am eyeing some of my older hens.. may invite them to dinner

Umm poor chickens.. I have to say that I feel bad for them. I know this is how the chicken world works, and I eat chicken. But not my own... I guess I love mine to much to think them as food.. If I was starving I would though don't get me wrong, but I would have to be pretty hungry lol.

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