Alexandra33's Roost - All Chatters Welcome!

Hi guys! It has been REALLY slow lately! What has been going on lately? How's everyone's chickens?

Yes it has! Though I haven't been on BYC much do to getting ready for fair (which starts on Monday, but we have to move our animals in tomorrow!). Our chickens are okay. We brought some new chickens in about a year ago (a little less) and they wonderfully (sarcasm) brought cannibolism into our flock. We've tried everything to get them to stop and nothing's working. And the problem was that four birds had to go to fair, well they're all pecked apart so we had to separate the fair chickens in cages to get them away from the peckers so they could hopefully grow back feathers. Yeah, well, they're still missing some feathers so we've had to change the chickens going to fair at the last minute and it's basically a mess. :( Anyways, Freckles and Henny are in a cage together and Arlo and Moo Cow are together. They seem to be ok, but we let Moo Cow out one day to wander around the yard with us while we were taking care of the chickens in the coop (Puffy and Butrercup) and Puffy tried to attack Moo Cow through the fence. So we're probably going to have to completely restart our flock after fair and cull the chickens we have now. Accept for Moo Cow and Arlo who luckily have not learned to peck the others. So, sorry for ranting but yeah it's upsetting. Otherwise, I'm doing good! :thumbsup

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