All "OTHER" Fowl Swap

Pheasants are 6. Let's go with the same for partridge.

ok, so could i do a mix of both to add up to 6? I am limited on breeders for them

If you are combining different breeds (chuckar & pheasant) then the total number of eggs needs to be at least the minimum for those breeds. 2 chuckar & 4 pheasant or vice versa, 3 of each, whichever works. Call it Hen's Choice if you want & offer whatever happens to be laid over 3-4 days.
I will swap 6 bianchi's and 6 southern cacusus black neck eggs for 8 turkey or 4 peafowl eggs. Or a mix of those. Breed or color doesnt matter, (girlfriend wants some) :)
Can I mine the khaki cambells? I'll post my offer in the morning.

Double check with @newbiefarmer to make sure the offer is still current since it has been a couple weeks & claim away.

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