Alternative to pellets?


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2015
Hey guys, I could really use help on this one.
We have an elderly RIR who doesn't lay. We recently had to give her some antibiotics and discovered. That she only at corn-not layers pellets! Is there anything I can give her instead? All my hens are free-ranging and we cut up apples and stuff for them, Sotheby's get their greens. Maybe I could try s mix of wheat/maize/oats etc? Give me some suggestions, thanks:)
yes, I would try a mixture of other things for her to eat. She doesn't need corn this time of year anyway does she? I mean it has not nutritional value at all. Corn is used to add body heat during the very cold months or to give once in awhile as a treat. In fact, that is how I get my chickens to come to me when I first start calling them. They catch on quickly as they come running every time I come out the door now
I would suggest you consider a good grower ration -- to make it more appealing you can soak it for her. Laying pellets contain too much calcium for a non-producing bird, and the increased protein content of grower compared to the layer pellets will help to support her system. The problem with mixing grains yourself is getting an appropriate nutritional balance.
Yes, I know it's June but I live in Northern Ireland, so it is hailing at the moment! I will try to get some mixed feed or something. . . I looked up a day feed and made a temporary one out of oats, raisins, lentils and sesame & fennel seeds. Thanks:)

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