Alternatives to Bullets

No need for fear. So the fox learns, big whoop ~ we all do! I suspect, per your tagline, that it matters not what species it is… I'm happy with my solution to this predator problem and the fact that everyone gets to keep on wearing their own skin....

Everyone that is except for those who this forum is designed to benefit, chickens.
Everyone that is except for those who this forum is designed to benefit, chickens.
That is precisely the skin that prompted this thread, LOL! All chickens are happily thriving in their skins within the electric fence and mr./ is seeking dinner in his/her skin outside the fence. Chickens safe, fox still furred ~ life is good!
Live traps are a great alternative to bullets. Years ago, back in my city daze, I lived in an attic suite and had a serious squirrel problem with them running around on my roof before dawn, ugh. So I borrowed a live trap from my landlord. Caught one the next morn and released it in a park a few miles away. Was worried I'd have to catch about 15 more to solve the prob, but the next morning there was no scampering squirrel activity. All I could figure is the others went out in search of their buddy. (shrug?)
"Live traps are a great alternative to bullets."

They are, if you manage to trap the problem animal and then drop the whole kit and kaboodle in a sufficient amount of water for s sufficient amount of time.

Aside from the legal issues of transporting wild animals, reloacating a fox a mere 5-10 miles is near useless: if you stop for a gas and groceries on the way back, he may beat you home!

"I don't want to kill......" Are you raising chickens or supporting the local predator population?

I hope your fence works out for you, if only for your hens' sake.
Another piece of the puzzle is that foxes, unless very young, are not likely to go into live traps. If you find a way to make that happen, let me know please.
We haven't any predator problems as -- knock on wood -- yet. May be thanks to the test predator we have, our cat Kritter. Plus, we live in a relatively high wildlife region, so peops in the community have warned us and gave very helpful suggestions, all alternatives to bullets & killing. We've criss-crossed filament over top of the chicken run vs. raptors. Our coop isn't bear-proofed, so we'll have to look into reinforcing the coop. You guessed right, I don't want to kill. It brings me no joy.
"Live traps are a great alternative to bullets."

They are, if you manage to trap the problem animal and then drop the whole kit and kaboodle in a sufficient amount of water for s sufficient amount of time.

Aside from the legal issues of transporting wild animals, reloacating a fox a mere 5-10 miles is near useless: if you stop for a gas and groceries on the way back, he may beat you home!

"I don't want to kill......"   Are you raising chickens or supporting the local predator population?

I hope your fence works out for you, if only for your hens' sake.
I guess I should have titled the thread alternatives to killing, lol. Personally I think drowning in a trap is a horrific thought and deed. I'd like to respect the local predator population and control it as best I can in a HUMANE manner and raise my chickens. I do not see this as a one or the other situation.

Happy to report the fence is working out beautifully and has proven a humane solution I can happily live with, AND the fox happily lives.
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Yeah, we have high deer fencing almost all the way around the run. You can edit posts. I have after seeing better/clearer/more to my point wording after posting. But I like alternatives to bullets. It's catchy, piques interest. Many dont or wont see alternatives to the eye for an eye & killing predators for expressing their nature. Certainly it is NOT human nature. We haven't the teeth and claws of natural born predators. We're clearly diurnal, not nocturnal, more subject to predation than naturally predatious, tech aside. Maybe humanity should be spelled humane-ity just so we get it. Thanks for your replies.

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