Am I giving my road island reds 6 of them to much food? 10lbs every two days.


May 13, 2020
With the snow and my free range RIR stuck in the coop food went from 10lbs every 3 or 4 days to every 2 days, Two Much? Still laying 5 to six eggs a day. I don't want to over feed. Any advice? Thanks
I always free feed. Let them eat however much they need. That seems like a lot for 6 hens though, make sure you have some sort of rodent control system in place. One chipmunk will run off with twice as much feed as a fat old hen will eat in any given day. Hens will need to increase intake when temps fall as well.
I always free feed. Let them eat however much they need. That seems like a lot for 6 hens though, make sure you have some sort of rodent control system in place. One chipmunk will run off with twice as much feed as a fat old hen will eat in any given day. Hens will need to increase intake when temps fall as well.
Thank you for taking time to answer my concerns. It has been below freezing for the last two weeks. May be the answer. Thank you again
I feed 6 big hens 2 big roosters and about 32 bantams with 50-60 lbs a week. Id see if they are wasting it on ground or if amsomethinf else is gettinf in there 👍

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