Am I the only one loosing sleep at night? Heat lamp woes

Isn't 9 and 10 degrees cold enough to need heat?
you're gonna get about 25,000 opinions now.

It's really your choice.

I heat,but it's because my girls don't like being cold watching their bigscreen TV.

A lot of people will tell you that you don't need heat, no matter what. But I seem to have noticed GOBS of people on here, inquiring about what to do about frostbite. So, if you don't want frostbite on your chickens, or if you don't want to lay awake all night, worrying about whether they're freezing, or not, get a ceramic heating element. I did, it works great, my chickens don't have frostbite, they all lay eggs, and I SLEEP PEACEFULLY ALL NIGHT LONG.
Hehehehehehehe, funny post! (what shows do they like best?)

Anything but cooking shows. I think they have contracts out on Martha and Rachael. They still won't say where they were when Julia Childs passed.

Imp- afraid to say coc-au-vin
Extreme cold does require heat to avoid frostbite on the waddles and the combs. Very painful for the bird and they won't regenerate. Roo's become infertile and docile.

Here it is extreme cold with weeks below 0. To expect the flock to thrive without heat in these conditions would make life serious and stressful for them.

Is it Spring yet?

Leave it to you rodriguez!

As Imp said, it's really your choice.
Yes, we did get the ice storm this past week (and one a couple of weeks before that) and plenty of temps below freezing since winter started.
My chooks are in a draft proof coop that is very dry. I have a winter hardy breed. I don't feel anything else is necessary.
Like everyone else, I'm ready for winter to be over.
Edited for clarity.
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I'm building solar furnaces for the coop next year..... but this year they are bearing the brunt of winter here in MI with no heat...... so far so good. They just don't like leaving the coop when it's really cold or windy. I have a plastic covered minirun where their water is and when it's sunny it heats up nicely and they like to hang out there

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