Am i the only one who has never ate a homegrown chicken?


12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
Kellyville Oklahoma
i honestly dont think i could eat one of my babies am i the only one who feels this way? lmao i know im a sap
I find the idea great because my chickens live healthy happy lives but I can't bring myself to do it. They're my pets!
If I buy chickens for pets, no I couldn't do it. But if I buy chickens specifically for meat and I don't name them and someone else does the killing, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But I have eaten home grown chickens before. My parents raised chickens and I can remember helping to butcher them when I was younger.
Nope, you're not the only one...I have never eaten a homegrown chicken, either--but I'm a vegetarian, so I don't eat store-bought ones, either!

That said, I'm perfectly OK with the idea of others eating their own homegrown chickens. Homegrown chickens are raised much more ethically and are much more healthy than factory-farmed for those of you who raise your own meat birds, more power to you! I think so many people are out of touch with where their food comes from (be it chickens, beef, veggies, whatever) that I think it's wonderful when anyone grows their own food and really connects themselves to where their food is coming from. For us, though, we're perfectly happy with the eggs our hens provide meat necessary here!
I have never ate a homegrown chicken either. That will probably will not be for long, though, because we are going to have to reduce the size of our small flock (by about 4 or so).

I'm interested to see how different they taste from store bought chicken. It'll be a little weird I think at first b/c we will have raised them from chickhood.

Is the difference really that great? How exactly do they taste different?
I couldn't bring myself to bucher them and even if I could.. it's too much work to do all the plucking and the blah blah blah... I'm kind of a lazy cook anyway. LOL. But the idea is neat.. if only my fiance was a farmer.
My wife and I don't name our chickens and they are not pets. They are spoiled when you consider the way they are raised and in comparison to commercial chickens and live a very good life. My wife doesn't like store bought chickens she always tells me too much fat and the bone is not hard, plus who knows what additives are added to their feed and the horrendous way they are raised. My wife early on worked at a processing plant for about 3 months then got a job as a food inspector shipping food all over the world. She has no problems and I enjoy watching her technique, which I had never seen before which is very effective and humane.

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