Ameraucana 10 wk old: Roo or not?


Oct 10, 2015
Front Range, Colorado
I picked this gorgeous bird up this weekend, knowing there was a chance it was a too, but hoping it isn't. I'm new to Ameraucanas, and sexing birds, quite frankly. This bird was born in August. Thoughts, and why?


I've tried discerning the defining characteristics between an EE vs Ameraucanas, as well as identifying early sex characteristics. Can you tell me what distinguishes this as an EE, as well as a roo? Many thanks!

Easter egger cockerel.

Any bird at this age with a red comb is male. Plus, he has a triple row of peas (ridges) running down his comb. Pullets have a single row down the middle.

This color pattern is pretty exclusively male in Easter eggers.

Ameraucana, like all breeds, come in standard colors for feathers, legs and egg color. Your bird's feather color does is not one of the accepted colors for the breed, thus he defaults to Easter Egger. If you want true Ameraucana, you need to research the colors they come in. Just like buying a Plymouth Rock, you don't just buy a Rock. You get a barred Rock, or a white Rock, etc. For Ameraucana the most common colors seem to be black/blue/splash and wheaton.
He is not one of the accepted standard colors for Ameraucana, and he's got yellowish skin on the legs/feet. Ameraucana have white skin, and it's a dominant trait.
Most hatcheries and feed stores that sell Ameraucana are really selling Easter Eggers. The only hatchery that has true Ameraucana. True Ameraucana usually cost about $14 to $20 per chick. True Ameraucana are always marketed as a specific color. If no color variety is specified, it's most likely an Easter Egger.

Easter egger cockerel.

Any bird at this age with a red comb is male. Plus, he has a triple row of peas (ridges) running down his comb. Pullets have a single row down the middle.

This color pattern is pretty exclusively male in Easter eggers.

Ameraucana, like all breeds, come in standard colors for feathers, legs and egg color. Your bird's feather color does is not one of the accepted colors for the breed, thus he defaults to Easter Egger. If you want true Ameraucana, you need to research the colors they come in. Just like buying a Plymouth Rock, you don't just buy a Rock. You get a barred Rock, or a white Rock, etc. For Ameraucana the most common colors seem to be black/blue/splash and wheaton.

X2 on donrae's post.

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