Ameraucana or EEs?

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Where did you get your birds from? They are really pretty, look like some of them might come out blue.If they are from a feed store they are from a hatchery and then they are Easter Eggers. If they are from an Ameraucana breeder and they turn out to be APA SOP birds then they are Ameraucanas. I have experience with Easter Eggers so I can't tell if your birds are purebred Ameraucanas SOP or if they are mixes/EE's.
I got them from a lady in my town. I seen her birds but she has all kinds of birds. Her birds were gray so I was a little confused when I had white birds but now they are getting gray. I started looking around on here and other place that is why I started thinking they were EE. I'm new at all of this so I was just a little confused.
Most EE's do lay blue/green. All of mine do. They are good birds and there is nothing wrong at all with an EE as long as you don't plan on showing them or breeding them to sell as Ameraucana. Watch for the misspelling of Ameraucana with an "I" Americauna. That is not a harmless mistype and pretty much guarantees an EE. Many hatcheries spell it that way on purpose so they can say "different spelling- different breed. We aren't false advertising..." Any breeder that knows the breed will not misspell it. Also beware most Ameraucana breeders you may find locally. Almost all of the ones around here have EE's and won't - as in refuse to accept they are wrong, understand the difference.  


Just now reading this thread. We have a local hatchery/distributor who not only mislabeled the EEs but maintains there is no difference. He lists his birds as Ameraucana (EE). Confusing? Yes, I think so. Purebred comes down to how does the chick breed out. It's like Labradoodles. They are a cross, and breeding 2 doodles will not produce Labradoodles.

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