Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Sweet! I'm sure Tailfeathers will be glad to know as well! Keep me posted on any future generations, please. I'm going to try the hen with one of Pips&Peeps roos next- if they ever start laying again!
My blue wheaten boy just about grown up.

Anybody had any problems with the EEs damaging their eggs as they're laying them? Midnight, my black Ameraucana, was pecking her egg...apparently as she was laying was always in the same spot...the pointed end...first end out. As chicks, we noticed that their beaks are more curved and defined than our other chickens...we were worried that if they pecked anyone, they would actually cause injury. As a last resort, we took the tip off of the end of her beak last week and I'm actually getting undamaged eggs. Has anyone else had this problem or do I just have a REALLY WEIRD BIRD?!

I have one other EE, Bella, who hasn't started laying yet, but should any day...hope that she doesn't do this as well...
Sweet! I'm sure Tailfeathers will be glad to know as well! Keep me posted on any future generations, please. I'm going to try the hen with one of Pips&Peeps roos next- if they ever start laying again!

we used the egg for breakfast this am and it was blue inside too!
I have had a few eggs cracked on the pointed ends due to the hen clearing the wood shavings off the bottom of the nest box and the egg hitting hard on the wood bottom of the box. I made sure the nest boxes have lots of padding and have had no more cracked eggs.

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