Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds


Glad I can join the thread! This if Ford, my first Rooster, I think he is gorgeous and is definitey a character for the 6 hours i've known him...
I got him from cpartist on BYC. I also picked up 6 other chicks to hopefully get a hen or 2 and some other gorgeous roo's. I'm so excited
The pic shows light legs (funky flash?) but they are actually slate.
I do have to say, cpartist has really beautiful birds, and big plans.. I can't wait to see what she does with her ideas!
And an amazing facility, It's the best I've seen, Very clean in build and professional!
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pips&peeps :


When I went last year I was so disappointed that I did not have any birds with me. I was thinking the whole time I could have done very well.

Jean you did do very well. This is from your girls, eggs laid at your place. I put the blame where it belongs. It is all your fault. And this is my second best bird. The other is in molt still. When my other Ribbeck cock is in full bloom, he has a great tail. I wished I could have brought him. Nice birds Jean. We will see you here at Crossroads and bring them babies for all to see.​
Hi Tyler! I love the name Ford
. He already looks quite happy and at home after his journey. Now that he's away from the two
bigger boys he should fill out nicely and come into his own, he's still quite young yet. Hope a few of those chicks turn out to be nice pullets for him

I'm so excited about your enthusiasm for the Wheaten/BW variety....we need lots of people working on them.

It was great to meet you and your Dad
I have to say - i was at the nationals this weekend and after seeing these beautiful birds in person - i fear i am a little obsessed! Will be reading all pages! LOL
Takes a wile but then after that you just have to read the (new posts)
Does any one know how we can "bookmark" areas that we want to refer back to without going through the entire threads?
This is a great and informative thread.
The muffs are a result of the selection for that trait by humans. Since it is articially selected, it is not a trait that would necessarily have any evolutionary adaptation for use in nature. If the breed developed in nature (natural selection) then the muffs would be some of evolutionary adaption... most likely some sort of sexual selection (for attacting a mate).
Takes a wile but then after that you just have to read the (new posts)
Does any one know how we can "bookmark" areas that we want to refer back to without going through the entire threads?
This is a great and informative thread.

If there's info on a page that you want to come back to , click the star with a green + over it towards the upper left corner of your moniter . A box will open that allows you to save it in your favorites .

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