American serama thread!

Now, do you want this little boy for showing? He is a good example of the breed for that, nice chest, likes to stand up, hard to tell how short his back is, but all in all, not bad at all

Yeah, he is for 4-h.
Nikki1496, SO SORRY you are having a bad experience with seramas and shipped eggs. :(
I pretty much know all the breeders on the West coast and would be more than happy to talk to you and see where/who/what the problem might be. Shipped serama eggs are VERY VERY hard to hatch to begin with and then in a 'bator even harder. You cannot "make" a hen go broody sorry to say. There are SO MANY variables with seramas and being broody also.
Are you looking for seramas to show OR just for fun?
Seramas are grouped this way: SQ, culls (pet quality) and BREEDER quality. Some birds have the abilty/genetics to be both SQ and breeder quality. Most breeders do not sell their breeder quality birds because that is where their SQ are coming from. Being SQ does not necessarily mean he/she will be a good breeder quality...generally speaking your bigger hens that are SQ/BQ are the better egg layers.
How close are you to Modesto? There is going to be the NATIONALS APA/ABA AND a TT shoew there on Jan 30th, so it is a great place to meet breeders etc. I also will be there talking shop.

Nikki, II also can PM you if ya like and answer any questions U might have, :)

thats the sad thing these eggs arent even shipped they are my own eggs and most are less then 24 hrs old. Im several hours from modesto and would love to go to the show but i probably wont be able to. im wanting serama for both fun and show. ill pm you and we can talk

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