!!!!Anime Fan Thread!!!!

I grew out of anime and manga and the likes a while ago, save for Hetalia and PSG. Mostly because of the fandoms associated with it; I'm really just plain sick of all of the weeaboos and disrespectful fans. And being on deviantart as a Hetalia ask account certainly doesn't help. I see crap all day long there. The only reasons why I haven't left yet is because of the few nice, smart people, the more orthodox side of the fandom, and my character. Otherwise, asdghfjdklddnvnvieljrfeklhrjdkdkdkkldwioehkflfldlwghsjkdflgv----
It's a hard language to learn. One can't just figure it out through animes, mangas, etc. which use slang terms rather than actual terms, you'll want a teacher for that. Not to mention, there's soooo much more to Japan than anime.
Just throwin' that out there, kids.
It's a hard language to learn. One can't just figure it out through animes, mangas, etc. which use slang terms rather than actual terms, you'll want a teacher for that. Not to mention, there's soooo much more to Japan than anime.
Just throwin' that out there, kids.

X2 I want to go to Japan for more reasons then just that I am a anime fan, the sights are one, the food is other
Syrian food really is great. ^_^
So is Vietnamese. I've had a lot of different cultural food prepared for me by the people themselves. ^_^ Our school has no boundaries around ethnicities, so refugees will come in and prepare food for us to say 'Thanks' for us helping them. ^_^

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