anime school RP

Percy having a big goofy smile raised his hand for a high five and said "Sup' bro" as he waited for Joshua to return them high five
Percy fist pumped and yelled "yeah buddy!!!" Aglaia looked over at Percy and said very staecasticly "what did you drink? And where's Missy?"
You couldn’t believe it! Your parents had just told you that you weremoving! Another new town, and you’d have to make all new friends! It was a crazy town, as people said. You were so angry.
After weeks of packing, you climbed into the truck and ignored them. You didn’t care that they were trying to talk to you. You just put your headphones on and acted like they weren’t there.
As you walked in to your new school on Monday, you could tell that this year was going to be insane.
Like every school, this school had the annoying cliques. You scribble down on a piece of blank notebook paper quickly in your quickest handwriting-
The preps: School grades don’t matter to them, as long as they look good and the girls are paired with the jocks, you fit in. You have to look nice and be absolutely glamorous. You have to be on the cheerleading team and wear the shortest skirts possible.
The jocks: The massive, loud football players who beat up on the younger, smaller guys because they are superior. Mainly fall for the preppy girls.
The art geeks: Anyone talented or mastering an art. Also known as band nerds.
The nerds: Mainly keep to their own social pack and aren’t good with socializing. Females among them are rare.
The emos: AKA The goth, the loners. Caked in black and hiding underneath a cloak of insecurity.
The only scary thing? You didn’t know where you belonged.

Of course, there are rules, people-
  • No trolling
  • No cussing
  • What darkwolf100 says, goes.
  • Only darkwolf can say who is accepted.
  • No mary-gary sues. (aka: no perfect characters.)
  • No powers
  • No romance between your own characters.
B b b

Want to be a part of this roleplay? Just fill this out!
Work place:

Thanks to TechnoCat for the design of the front page!
(who is Percy, AND IM FINNALY FREEKING BACK!!!) "I'm here!" missy panted as Sh'e ran up to, and almost into, aglaia, carrying a massive bag of books.
"its about time" percy said while crossing his arms not helping to smile, Aglaia rolled her eyes 'we seriously need to get moving me and Percy have to dash to the band room...' and Aglaia smiled sweetly and motioned for Missy to walk with them
Forum: what the frick does that even mean buddy?!
Name: Raziel, Raz for short
Age: 17 1/2
Gender: male
Clicks: to be rp'd
Crush: tbr
Boy/girlfriend: to be rp'd
Personality: find out... "cue creepy music"
Description: longish, shaggy dark brown hair about halfway to his shoulders, naturally olive complexion (think middle eastern), strong, handsome features, and dark chocolate brown, almost black eyes.
Workplace: bouncer, part time under the table
User name:Chickenoverlord

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