Anna's hens

It's been 4 weeks to the day since Anna's hens came here. There hasn't been much happening since my last update. The weather has been a bit british, so that means plenty of rain! Last week I let them all out together on the main part of my garden, which, is neutral territory! And.....nothing! No fighting or pecking or chasing! So on Thursday night I let them all out together in the run and same again.....nothing! So I left them. My ex battery hens gave moved back into the coop with Anna's hens and all seems bliss! They are now all out together and behaving and being nice! This was absolutely not what I was expecting so I am happy that they seem to be all getting along without any incident! I'll post some pictures but my phones a bit temperamental at the moment. All seems good!

That is outstanding. Great news. Leave it to the birds and it all works out. Congratulations!
That was great! I love a great feeding frenzy! What a beautiful flock you have. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! It's so much fun having them and I can really see each ones individual personality. Roo, the buff Orpington was bottom of the pecking order but she has come on in leaps and bounds! I even caught giving a bit of chase to one of my araucanas!
We all know how much we love our chickens. Some love their hens, some love having hens but we all love hens. We bond with our hens and they bond with us. They all have their own little personalities, their own quirky little ways. What they like and what they don't like. We know know this because we love our hens and love spending time with them. They help calm us down with their relaxing noises and happily go about their business scratching around and looking for bugs them come running when they see us, faces full of expectation for that little treat we know they love.
We feel the pain when one gets ill and crosses the rainbow bridge but safe in the knowledge we have done all we can for them. We treat them like our children...sometimes better!
So what is the worst thing that can happen? They get ill or a predator gets them? That's pretty awful but you can always hatch or buy some more. It never replaces them but you can continue to love and care for your chickens. The worst thing that can happen is to be told that you cannot keep chickens. To be told that you have to rehome your babies that you love and cherish and have seen grow from the little fluff balls into the quirky, funny, loving beautiful hens. This is the worst. This happened to a friend and member on here @Anna Ranieri. I can't begin to describe the love she has for these hens and to be told that she had 4 weeks to rehome them or risk having them taken away due to an unnoticed clause in a housing covenant was devastating for her. She contacted me asking for help and although I'm 'overrun' with chickens! I had space for her four hens. I'm no expert by a long shot but I love and care for my hens to the best I can and I'm not shy to ask for help from the many wonderful people on here. I'm honoured that she believes that I can provide the best care for hens and has entrusted me with their care. Yesterday she drove 160+ miles (each way!) to bring them here. My promise to her is to treat them as my own and provide them with the same love and care that she does. It's not difficult to see why she loves these hens so much as here they are,
This is Roo, she is a Buff Orpington and is now the biggest hen I have! She has a lively sweet personality.
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Here is Lilah. She is a light Sussex. She hatched Roo and still mothers her! She is also top hen.
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This is Pedro! She is a Rhode Island red and is the sweetest. She will happily sit on my knee and is very gentle.
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And lastly here is Jellybean. She is a Cream Crested Legbar, possible cross, but lays lovely olive eggs. She is also very gentle and love being around people.
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These will always be Anna's hens. I'm just the custodian and I insist that Anna breaks my heart and takes them back should her circumstances change! I will do my best and look after, care for and integrate these beautiful girls into my flock.
I have started this thread to tell their story and I will be posting regular updates on their progress.
ETA. If anybody else has had to rehome or taken in any hens for someone please feel free to share your story here.
Hi, and sorry to hear your friend Anna, had no option, than part from her girls. Thank
goodness she had you, there is no doubt, you will love and care for them. I loved the
fact, when you said, they are still Anna"s girls. Brought a tear to my eyes. This is a lovely thing you have done for her. At least she knows, where they are, it could have been so much worse, for her not knowing, where they went. A few years ago i bred 3 beautiful cockrels, had them for years, until new neighbours moved next door. Grrrr. I like Anna
also had to rehome them, as i got 3 warnings, my girls were fine though. All them years, not one complaint in our village. I was also lucky as people had just bought a new farm,
and they took the 3 together. Also kept in touch, with pics ect. (which made all the diffrence. Joke was they made more noise with their parties in summer, than my 3 boys ever made. lol They are also beautiful girls, well cared for makes my blood boil. Thank
goodness you stepped in, well done you.:love
I'm so sorry you had to part with your beautiful cockerels, I can not understand how anyone can dislike their beautiful sounds let alone how some can deem it as noise! I am glad you've been able to keep in touch, I know it's not the same as actually having them but I am with you that being able to receive updates and pics makes a great difference and makes the pain of losing them easier to bare especially in our cases where they have gone to such lovely people. I can not thank CCUK enough for taking in my girls and for all the love and care he administers to them daily. He is an incredible man, not only for what he is doing for us but also he is such a lovely person as is his family too. He has supported me no end throughout this ordeal and continues to do so. Chickens aside he and his family are Lovely and are amongst the nicest people I have ever met.
I can't say things are getting easier for me but I am gradually coming to terms with things daily although I miss them no end constantly and it is knowing where and who they are with along with knowing how well they are being cared for which helps me no end.
I mentioned to Anna that it was a shame you lived so far away, otherwise I know you would make visiting arrangements.
The whole business is heartbreaking.
You've done a good thing here CCUK.:hugs
We plan to go visit for definate next year but we are hoping to be able to visit this autumn.
I am forever thankful and indebted to CCUK for taking in my girls, he is the only one who I wanted for them to be with and he brought pure joy and relief to my heart when he agreed to take them on - there is not a day go by where I don't femember what a great thing he is doing for me and my girls.
So sad for Anna.. but so happy she found a great home for her gals.. I had to rehome one of mine to my neighbor across the street and it was very difficult :(

They are very beautiful... I’m sure they will have a happy life..
I'm so sorry you had to go through this, it's never easy for us who love our pets as we do :hugs
They are very happy being with CCUK and his family and he gives all his animals a wonderful life full of love, care and attention. My girls usually are shy with new comers but they took to CCUK immidiately and within a few minutes he had both Pedro and Jellybean sitting on his lap! They say animals can sense things and they certainly could tell from the get go how wonderful he is.

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