Anna's hens

Hens are doing good. Roo had been laying some soft shell eggs due to a cat attack before she came here. Anna got her laying normal eggs again by giving her oyster shell on bread with a bit of yoghurt. With the stress of moving she started laying soft eggs again and so did lilah. Anyway today there was 4 beautiful perfect eggs!
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They spent most of this afternoon helping in the garden!
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They were also on layers mash but as my hens are all on pellets I tried to mix some pellets with the mash to transition them over. The feeder was emptied of pellets and all the mash was left so now it's 100% pellets! Transition complete!
The lil minky's wouldn't eat pellets when they were here lol.
That is just awful they made her give up her babies. I'd tell the neighborhood to get bent and move away. (I know that's not very realistic, but still :tongue) What a horrible thing to do to someone. Those hens weren't hurting anybody. People need to mind their own business.

I'm so glad she was able to give them to someone who would love them and give them such a nice home though. At least she can rest easy knowing that. And if she does ever move somewhere else she can always have them back again. :love
Thank you, it is very hard being without them and I don't think I'll ever get over this but you are right about them being in a nice home and they are receiving lots of love and great care. Originally it was my plan to move so we could keep them and we had already been looking for new home to move to before we were given the order to remove them from the premises. We had four ducks also which to begin with were they only ones being contained about and we were ordered to remove them in Feb this year but we're told we could keep the chickens as long as there were no further complaints, we rehomed our ducks on the 2nd March this year, which was also difficult to bare and still is, although at the time I was thankful we got to keep the girls but I didn't trust the neighbours whose biggest complaint was that we had broken the rules in having poultry, so we started looking for new accommodation but the complaints started again, this time about us having the chickens and we were given the order to remove them before we had a chance to find somewhere. Since then we have taken the decision not to take the girls back, our reasons being that it was a great ordeal for the girls, they were so frightened travelling up to their new home and I was so worried we might lose them due to the stress, taking them back would mean plucking them yet again from a home they know and love to a place they wouldn't know, and I just don't want to put the through that again, my second reason for this decision is that they are so happy in their new home and with being with CCUK and his family - especially his beautiful daughter. From the pictures and videos CCUK sends me regularly, I can see the flourishing and I am now at believing they are better off with him and his flock. After they ducks went Pedro, Roo and Jellybean took it really badly, Pedro and Jellybean grew up with the ducks from one week old and Roo although she was a layer addition to the flocks, bonded really strongly with the ducks especially the drakes and spent the majority of the days with them, she was so lost without them when they were gone. This had a knock on effect on the girls and they started fighting a lot, Pedro and Jellybean who once had been so close became enemies and both would pick on Roo, especially Jellybean who would relentlessly beat up on Roo several times daily. Since being with CCUK the fighting has stopped and I believe he only say Jellybean have a go at Roo once they day after they had arrived there but she wasn't well after the travelling and the next day laid two eggs one soft she'll one normal which we believe was the result of the toll on which the travelling and upheaval took on her, since then she hasn't been violent toward Roo, just the occasional peck but nothing to worry about. I believe my girls need to be in a large flock, they are doing so well since being integrated and are growing in confidence daily especially Roo who had very little confidence here after they ducks went and I can not justify tearing them away from a home they love and a family and flock who are so very good for them just because I'm sad without them. I only want what's best for them, so as hard as it is for me, I have decided they will stay their lifetime with CCUK as he is the best person for them and staying with him is the very best for them and is the best I can give them and CCUK has agreed to keep them.
It's been 4 weeks to the day since Anna's hens came here. There hasn't been much happening since my last update. The weather has been a bit british, so that means plenty of rain! Last week I let them all out together on the main part of my garden, which, is neutral territory! And.....nothing! No fighting or pecking or chasing! So on Thursday night I let them all out together in the run and same again.....nothing! So I left them. My ex battery hens gave moved back into the coop with Anna's hens and all seems bliss! They are now all out together and behaving and being nice! This was absolutely not what I was expecting so I am happy that they seem to be all getting along without any incident! I'll post some pictures but my phones a bit temperamental at the moment. All seems good!
I am convinced my girls needed to be in a larger flock and how well they are flourishing is evidence of that. To look at them now, if I didn't know them I would have thought they had been with you from birth, even on pics we can see how well they fit in with your original flock and it is such a relief for me to know and see how well they are getting on. Roo has grown ten fold in confidence already and Pedro has bonded so well with your rescues. Sadly Lilah seems to have lost some confidence probably due to her once being top hen to now being in a lower position but I can see on the videos you send me that she still pushes herself forward to a certain extent and they all are settling in so well, I'm sure once she comes to terms with being lower in the flock she'll be ok :)
Hi Anna! :hugs It's great to see you posting. I knowhow hard this had been for your family and especially you. I promised to do my best for them and I'm glad that your happy to see them doing well. I'm honoured that you want me to keep them as part of my flock and I'm more than happy to do that. They really are such sweet hens and make mine seem like a real motley crew! It has done wonders for mine too as they are now getting more chopped vegetables than they did!

Pedro! Eyeing up my drink!

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