Any cold hearty, docile breeds that look like red jungle fowl?

So, this is going to come across as maybe a snotty comment.... which I don't mean, but I am genuinely curious... I haven't ever raised junglefowl, but I know a couple of people who have raised them. Their behavior to me seemed very pheasant-like if I had to characterize their behavior. Prone to pacing fences, maybe once in a blue moon you get one that is tame, but otherwise a breed that tends to be (at least the behaviors I have observed) very stand-offish, somewhat poor (and highly seasonal) layers.

Have you had a different experience with this breed? I'm really interested - I've toyed with the notion more than once of raising them, mainly because pheasants appeal to me. I'd be very, very interested to know if you got birds from Cackle or elseware, if you have.
They train much like American Crows. Those from Cackle likely have something else bred in to calm them and promote egg production. Mine would come when called and fly to hand for a reward. I work with my birds a lot with many as tame you have likely ever seen. Several are used to teach public and the birds run loose in strange places when doing their jobs.
They train much like American Crows. Those from Cackle likely have something else bred in to calm them and promote egg production. Mine would come when called and fly to hand for a reward. I work with my birds a lot with many as tame you have likely ever seen. Several are used to teach public and the birds run loose in strange places when doing their jobs.

Now... there is an interesting notion, training them like crows. I've done training with other corvids (ravens and magpies, primarily), but it never occurred to me to apply it to a gallinaceous bird. That's... hmmm...

I think you might have generated my second bird run.
Now... there is an interesting notion, training them like crows. I've done training with other corvids (ravens and magpies, primarily), but it never occurred to me to apply it to a gallinaceous bird. That's... hmmm...

I think you might have generated my second bird run.
Red Jungle Fowl in many ways have more in common with crows than pheasants I am familiar with. You will find even the part Red Jungle Fowl from Cackle Hatchery are very intelligent. Language is more complex than most domestics. Social structure is more enduring. People doing studies on wild and zoo populations of Red Jungle Fowl are missing some very cool points.

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