Any good stories interacting with "non"-chicken people?

My Mom asked me if there are any diseases you can get from chicken poop.

First I told her no one had kept any down long enough, to find out if it makes you sick or not.

She said that's not what she meant. Like can you catch anything from getting it on you or by stepping in it?

"Chicken pox."

She squinted at me. The squint is your "first warning".

Can you imagine having bare legs and trying to wade into the chickens, to feed, when you had chicken pox? AGONY! They'd peck every pock.
i was talking to some farmer friends of mine and i was telling them 'about my hens vent blowout story and this girl that thinks she knows everything about life and she treats people like they are dummies and asks why for everything well anyway she looks at me and says what is a vent so i expained about the egg being to large to come out and she looked at me with smart pants look and says well couldnt you just perform a episiotomy on the bird.
which is when they cut a womens vagina when a baby cant fit out . i thought it was so funny because she is so clueless.

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