Any Hawaii Folks on BYC?

250 chickens huh? And I thought I was nuts!
Brara Puhi,

Im insane not nuts!!! lol

250 +

as far as the ideal 236 breeding them is not what i got them for, its for egg production and thats it....... I did get all my chicks from ideal poultry and did a sec order after i got my first batch of chicks...... 55 black sex-links and plm rock chicks and 100 mix

I dont know what MIA is talking about the ideal 236 being junk? every one i talked to about them loved them.... small birds that eat lil and produce a lot of eggs... whats not to love

Puhi where did you get your chicks from? how many do you have ? are you breeding them ?

I have some Red Stars from McMurray Hatchery. All the rest are from private breeders sending me eggs. I am focusing on

Cream Legbars
Araucanas(rumpless and tufted, not bearded) - White, Black and duckwing - very hard to get the good kind, still working on it.
Black Copper Marans
White Marans - recessive white.
Rhode Island Reds

I hatched out 2 Isbars but it seems both are Roos, so Iʻm looking to give them away, especially if someone has Isbars, but probably not.

Iʻm not sure how many roosters my uncle will hold for me, right now he has 3. But I am looking for other people who would raise my roos, because my wife doesnʻt allow roosters to sleep over. So thereʻs the challenge. I have one friend who Iʻve partnered up with on the Marans, but he lives so far away.

I also have a barred Rock and a Gold laced Wyandotte,

Small kine nuts.

kden, Puhi
Waylon the 236 is small and give eggs but eggs not big compare to the red sex links, RIR or leghorns... and they not that hardy kinda like the production reds......we have over 300 chickens....LOL.....
Quick thread jack question...

I did a search and while I found others asking the same question without getting a confident-sounding straight answer that I could find.

Is it OK to clip the wings of 2.5 week olds? I've seen conflicting posts - some say no because the primary feathers are still growing and if clipped, would hurt the chicks and bleed. Others said yes, fine to do so. What's the right answer?

My two CLBs are starting to fly. Our brooder has sides that are over 2 feet high and they've been flying out the last few days to hang out in the house while we are away. I've come home to find them perched on the lips of the brooder, on my weights sleeping on the guest bed. I don't like cleaning all the poop either... I have the chicken coop with run ready for them, but am not sure they are ready to be moved away from their heat lamp. They don't seem to hang out under or near it much and I've been moving it further and further away the last week and half. Now it's about 3' away from the floor of the brooder, and not directly heating any of the floorspace. They need to either be clipped or moved into their outdoor coop/run. Perhaps the outdoor coop/run with the heat lamp in there - I could run an extension cord out there.


They are also getting too difficult to recapture after their outings in the backyard... I don't think I want to bring them outside to free-range anymore until they are bigger (there's a neighbor cat that likes to visit my yard) and they're getting pretty difficult to capture after their yard visits - I'd like for them to establish their coop as a "home" base first which I understand it as leaving them in the coop/run combo for several days before letting them out. That way I don't have to worry about capturing first them when I need to leave the yard. At about what age do you think they would be able to hold their own against a smallish cat? I do have a motion sensor scarecrow sprinkler I'm thinking about setting up to blast the cat the next time he visits my front yard to reduce his visits... Can't set up in the backyard tho - kids play in there often and I have a large tortoise that wanders all over back there...

Brada, do you consistently have more legbars hatching in case something happens to one or both? A morbid question I know...



I put chicken wire over the brooder. My CLs are not laying right now. It sucks! All chicks are a pain in the *** that way. You want to give them some freedom that they so desire, but that usually gets them killed. Lock em up!

Aloha, Puhi
They escaped again about half a hour ago and are roosting on a shelf that's 5' high as I type this. I don't have any chicken wire and am about to head out for the day... Looks like they will have the run of the office all day today.

My question still stands... Does clipping the primary feathers at 2.5 weeks cause pain and/or bleeding? My science background says "yes" but I'm no chicken expert and I haven't been able to find a solid answer online yet.

Clean up chicken crap everywhere in the office until I get chicken wire to cover the brooder with
Clip 'em
Move 'em outside to their Coop/Run early and run the heat lamp there. Then once their primary feathers stop growing (1-1.5 months I think I read) I'll clip them before they're allowed to free-range. I do believe in letting them free-range eventually, and do plan to clip their flight feathers - keeping them locked up for their lives isn't something I want to do.

What's the best solution do you think?


At 13 days I tossed them into this temp run..... heat lamp on at night...... there dOing fine out side
Clipping young chickens - Since the feathers are in the process of growing, there has to be blood flow to the feathers for that to take place. Which means clipping them would cause bleeding. If there are nerves, then pain as well.

I put them in the coop/run yesterday and installed the heat lamp in the coop section. They seem to be doing well as of this morning. I do need to pick up a timer to turn off the lamp in the daytime.

I'll wait until the primary flight feathers are fully developed before clipping. I assume that will take another month at least. THEN I'll let them out. Should be big enough to stand up to the cat that occasionally visits then.


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