Any Hawaii Folks on BYC?

Aloha Hawaii chicken owners! I noticed while on facebook there are so many BYC groups but non for us islanders, so I went ahead and started one! "Backyard Chickens Hawaii" is the name and hope yall join if your on Facebook a lot.. I'd love to have More chicken talk and pics between here and there :)

I go on Facebook because my other chicken people went there(araucanas and cream legbars) but I still prefer this forum. Iʻm not sure why everyone suddenly left to Facebook.

I need to bust out the camera soon and put some on this site.

Take care, Puhi

You might be able to see some pics if you click on my name. The white one on my avatar is a recessive white CL. Iʻve been meaning to take more pics along with some blue eggs. My friend Kai said he might know someone on the big island with CLs. I saw a roo on Craigslist a couple of years ago. That is my main breed.

Check you later, Puhi
I drove to puna yesterday to get two French blue copper marans chicks!! I'll post pics later when I take them out to play. They are adorable with their little feathered feet!! We also ended up with another BO chick. Lol my DH was not happy but my kids are

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