Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Thanks Knobby Oaks, my mother has told me that I should write a short story
for readers digest or prevention magazine about the difference chickens have
made in my life. I really never imagined the experience would be what it has
become and the kind hearted people I would meet along the way.

I have a black australorp that was the ugliest little thing when i got her. She has
turned out to be big, fat and beautiful and my first layer. Today when I sat in
my chair in the yard just watching the girls, she ran from where they were
(which cracks me up every time I see them run) and came pecking around my
area. She then jumped up on my foot stool and walked up my legs. She let
me pet her and hold her and she made some cute little noises while she
stayed there a while then she just jumped down and was on her way.

Most people can't believe when I tell them that chickens are awesome pets.
Not cuddly like a kitten but certainly as entertaining and give something back
in return. (besides smelly kitty litter

These are my little pip squeak eggs. But they're mine!!!!
Well, the girls' but they gave them to me. The size and shapes
are cracking me up. Some are round like a ping pong ball and
some are long and skinny. So far light and medium brown.
We are waiting for our last hold out. Our EE. She is 24 weeks as
of Monday. she is squatting and pacing in and out of the coop but no egg
yet. Maybe she's waiting for Easter. Can't wait to see what
color she gives us. This has been and continues to be such
a fun experience. Who would have thought; I was battling horrible
depression this time last year. Can't wait to see the doc this
week and bring her some fresh eggs and share some of my
uplifting experiences. Nature sure does wonders for the soul.
You guys aren't half bad either
. All the best -

This is the best testimony yet for raising chickens. I can feel the connection you've made too. Today when I got home, I let them out to free range. After about 2 hours I went out and sat in my chair. They all came running and they spent the next 20 minutes, scratching and pecking the leaves at my feet. They had 10 acres and untold amount of goodies but they chose to over-scratch at my feet. I love them.
You both gave me such a nice big smile before heading to bed. I share your sentiments, I love all my animals, and those stinkin chickens are so wonderful for giving you such a peaceful feeling. What a lovely image Kelly, of you bringing your doc some eggs. I love the look on people's faces when you suprise them with eggs.

.......................................... Still waiting for the sun part!

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I love my chickens so much. I sometimes have anxiety and panic attacks. Most of the time I feel them coming on and I can stop them. My chickens have really helped they are such a great comic relief. I am able to pick up all of them and pet them I love how soft they are. It sounds to weird but they have really help me deal with my anxiety. There is just something about they way a chicken runs that you just can't help but laugh and be happy around them. They are so much more then just egg layers.
Oh, I can definitely relate with all of you. My mom had gotten lou gerhigs disease a year and a half ago, it runs in her side of the family. Since it's familial it only takes a couple months til death. So, after diagnosed I stayed with her and cared for her. After she died, I had anxiety, nightmares, and depression. I started with the chickens this last fall, and I am happy, I can laugh, I have a will to get up and do something. They keep me busy, thinking, and have brought my creative side back out. My DH has noticed the difference too. It also brings the kids and I closer as I teach them all about animals and how things work.
Sorry for the book, but just wanted to share. Yes, this group is AWESOME!
I completely agree with all the wonderful comments about chickens - my problem, however, is that I have a hard time getting stuff done these days because I'd rather be sitting out with them, letting them free-range. It's hard to get back to work, etc. when I soooo love being outside with the chickens and ducks.
I completely agree with all the wonderful comments about chickens - my problem, however, is that I have a hard time getting stuff done these days because I'd rather be sitting out with them, letting them free-range. It's hard to get back to work, etc. when I soooo love being outside with the chickens and ducks.
I have a little compact with the chickens: As soon as you have laid 7 eggs or 5:00pm rolls around (whichever comes first), then you can get out and free range. So far, so good. I'm hoping that the hawks have already found their meal for the day by then.

Edit: Compact, really? I must have had my mind on something else. That would be "pact."
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You all are such an inspiration. I agree that chickens are therapy for the soul. I love my dogs but those silly chickens are so much fun to be with. I look forward to 7:00 PM because that's when I let mine out for a little romp. It's been so cold and windy here the last few evenings that they have had quite a challenge finding the best spot to peck in. The wind gusts freak them out and they find me wherever I am to tell me all about. Liza Minelli (also called Liza Doolittle or Liza Doo) usually is the most vocal and so funny. They make me laugh when they try and out run each other and then get a little lift in their wings to fly a few feet..Love watching that. I also give a lot of my eggs away to some very appreciative friends.
Hello all my sweet peeps,I have had a tough few days, I have to tell you, lots tugging at my peace of mind. This snow is really starting to affect me. I know there are far larger things to complain about in the world, and when I think of the heavy load some people all across the globe face, I am ashamed to complain about such a thing, yet, for the love of Job...Can this crusty white crap just go away all ready? SO cold still, and I hate mucking stalls in it. Everything is iced over, or huge drifts from the high winds of the last snow. Can't stand it... it truly has me irritable. I think it is because we only had 3 days of where I could see the grass, and then that darned snow fall came again. AND I hear we may have more coming on Sunday.... I'm about to flip my lid!

Well, another thing that has me loopy is there are Hawks scouting about, a lot! Two days in a row I haven't felt comfortable letting the flock out. They are clamoring at the gate line every time they see me, squawking away for me to come let them out. I think this spring is going to be a tough one. My flock is 8 months old, and I haven't lost a single one. I think this spring is going to be a challenge, between the Hawks, and a HUGE fox den right behind my neighbors property about 150 ft from my property line. To be honest, I am shocked they haven't picked one off yet. Jacks presence may help,, but he is not always right next to them when they are out. Thinking about putting some fencing up to maybe deter a bit... but that can be costly with 6 acres!

We shall see....

Hello all my sweet peeps,I have had a tough few days, I have to tell you, lots tugging at my peace of mind. This snow is really starting to affect me. I know there are far larger things to complain about in the world, and when I think of the heavy load some people all across the globe face, I am ashamed to complain about such a thing, yet, for the love of Job...Can this crusty white crap just go away all ready? SO cold still, and I hate mucking stalls in it. Everything is iced over, or huge drifts from the high winds of the last snow. Can't stand it... it truly has me irritable. I think it is because we only had 3 days of where I could see the grass, and then that darned snow fall came again. AND I hear we may have more coming on Sunday.... I'm about to flip my lid!

Well, another thing that has me loopy is there are Hawks scouting about, a lot! Two days in a row I haven't felt comfortable letting the flock out. They are clamoring at the gate line every time they see me, squawking away for me to come let them out. I think this spring is going to be a tough one. My flock is 8 months old, and I haven't lost a single one. I think this spring is going to be a challenge, between the Hawks, and a HUGE fox den right behind my neighbors property about 150 ft from my property line. To be honest, I am shocked they haven't picked one off yet. Jacks presence may help,, but he is not always right next to them when they are out. Thinking about putting some fencing up to maybe deter a bit... but that can be costly with 6 acres!

We shall see....


So sorry about the weather and everything Melabella... That would get me down too. My kids are upset that we didn't get enough snow this winter. You need to come visit me... and bring all the birds too! LOL - no grass but some green is starting to pop up around here. Plenty of sunshine and 70 today! However, Spring here is always windy, which eventually drives me crazy. I wanted to take the babies out today while the big girls were out of the pen free-ranging but the wind is so bad, the little ones wouldn't even be able to stand up! I think it would probably pick them up and blow them across the yard! So, they are stuck inside in the rubbermaid brooder all day.

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