Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

I've been so busy this week, I've had no time to check in at all. Between the snow storm, and work, and the snow days from school, and getting ready to travel this's been nuts! We're leaving town this weekend. I fully expect to find like 3 dozen eggs when we get back.

So here's an update on my chicks, and I need opinions. Professor Neutron's slipped tendon just will not heal, and his leg is growing so fast that now the legs are different lengths, and basically, I think he's just doomed to only have one working leg. Should I let him continue to live on one leg? He doesn't seem to be in pain. But he is growing really slowly.. Here's a video of him getting around:
I officially have the MEANEST chicken on planet Earth! She is also the smallest of the hens. She is a Blue Hamburg, only lays 4-5 per week and pecks every one of my other girls. Napoleon Complex in a female! Here she is in "chicken jail" And she is TICKED off about it!!!

I officially have the MEANEST chicken on planet Earth! She is also the smallest of the hens. She is a Blue Hamburg, only lays 4-5 per week and pecks every one of my other girls. Napoleon Complex in a female! Here she is in "chicken jail" And she is TICKED off about it!!!

I know just what you mean. I have one and also happens to be the smallest. The other 7 have chewed on feathers but not Little Teri, she's as prim and sleek all around. I'm thinking if I had bigger quarters for them at night, this might not be happening. On the other hand, nobody is bothered by how they look. Maybe I should put a mirror in there so they could see how shabby they all look.
I thought I'd share my egg dying experience from this afternoon! I'm a cookie decorator and I have a ton of food coloring gels on hand.

Here's the kind of cookies I make...

I wanted to color some of my chickens eggs and decided to use the food coloring gel I use for my frosting instead of getting those Paas tablets. I used 3/4 cup warm water, 1 1/2 tbsp. white vinegar, and a few drops of food coloring.

I love how they turned out! The dark olive green and the dark blue one on the right are from my cuckoo marans. The rest are just regular light brown eggs.
Anyone else coloring eggs? Share your pictures!
The eggs above look beautiful and fun!

Debbie -

These are just adorable - Happy March Birthday ladies.
Also, love the tile backsplash. Have been wanting the
same type of backsplash in our kitchen.

Country girl - Congrats on your first dozen. Where did you get
your EE's from? Beautiful color eggs. Mine lays olive green. Would
love to get the lighter colors included in my egg basket. May be worth
the ride up north for me. However, Am not impressed
so far with the fact that my EE gave 2 eggs last week and one today.
My other two girls have laid an egg a day for 12 days straight! Not sure I
would add many EE's if they only provide 2 a week.Perhaps she just
needs time to get regular. The other two started laying about a week
before her. I love the EE look though.

Brooster - My philosophy is if they have the will to live, I give them a fair shot.
Sometimes nature will take it's course and other times we will be amazed at
what they overcome. Do you know what causes that problem?

MB - I too have lots of projects I would like to do around our place. It is
no comparison in size to what you have but it all still takes time, energy
and the almighty dollar. We love to do most projects on our own but
every once in awhile we understand our limitations and pay the professional.

Everyone else - Spring is just hiding around the corner!
Happy birthday to all the March celebrators. And Congratulations to all those egg milestones, first egg, first dozen, so exciting!!!

I thought I'd update you on my shell-less egg situation. In case any of you start getting these as your young ones come into lay, my good news is that it sems to have stopped after about 2 months. It's so terribly disappointing when you've only just started getting eggs and you find shell-less ones, generally mine were right under the roost. As if she didn't even get up and go to the nesting box! Sometimes 5 or 6 a week from 4 chickens. Such a waste to see them sitting there amongst the poop.

MB - I never did get round to trying your Papaya idea. At the time they were hard to find or very expensive because of the floods we have had up north where they are grown. And now I'm happy to say I don't seem to need to try anything else as it has been at least a month since it happened. The only thing I did try was liquid trace elements and amino acids, which I put into their wet mash with liquid calcium supplements. Whether this really sorted it out, or they just grew out of it, I'll never know.

So, if you newbie eggies start experiecning this, it may well pass after a month or two.

All the best

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