Any other hawaiians out there?

Politely requesting some advice from any of you who live on The Big Island.

How far away do you have to get from the volcano before air quality isn't an issue? What's a good area to look in for a little house on 1/2 acre to 5 acres where poultry is permitted and house prices aren't up there in the stratosphere? I don't mind being away from the beach, but want to be able to grow fruit and veggies.
Politely requesting some advice from any of you who live on The Big Island.

How far away do you have to get from the volcano before air quality isn't an issue? What's a good area to look in for a little house on 1/2 acre to 5 acres where poultry is permitted and house prices aren't up there in the stratosphere? I don't mind being away from the beach, but want to be able to grow fruit and veggies.
It just depends. My kids go to school in Volcano Town (minutes from the volcano) and rarely have air quality issues. The winds blow the vog all over. Unless you are very sensitive due to allergies you may not even notice. I hardly ever notice the vog and have lived here since 1995, except that the visibility is reduced when the vog is bad. I remember you used to be able to see the ocean a lot better than you can now.
You should look in Pahoa, Hawaiian acres, Keaau areas. It is beautiful. There is dirt and rain there. I live on the other side and have chickens and grow lots of veges but we do have to create our own dirt with compost etc.

Have you visited? If the vog bothers you a lot then maybe a different island would be a better choice. If it doesn't bother you.. .you can get some great deals for land on the Big Island.
Yes, I will visit and see how the vog affects me. Real estate market is picking up a bit here and i am hoping I can finally sell my house.

I don't think any of the other islands would work for me. They are much more expensive and seem to be much more tourist oriented. I'd rather live around real people.
Yes, I will visit and see how the vog affects me. Real estate market is picking up a bit here and i am hoping I can finally sell my house.

I don't think any of the other islands would work for me. They are much more expensive and seem to be much more tourist oriented. I'd rather live around real people.
The Big Island is awesome. I wouldn't live anywhere else. The vog may not bother you at all. Come visit!
I got myself a fold out paper map of Hawaii. You can sure tell where the rain is. The Northeast corner is covered in rivers. The rest of the island, not so much.

Is that the direction the wind usually comes from? That would affect where the vog settles.

It doesn't look like it would be impossible to move poultry to Hawaii, so I could bring the geese. As long as I can afford a place big enough that allows poultry.

I never would have considered Hawaii before because of the dog quarantine, but now that there is way around that, it changes things.
I got myself a fold out paper map of Hawaii. You can sure tell where the rain is. The Northeast corner is covered in rivers. The rest of the island, not so much.

Is that the direction the wind usually comes from? That would affect where the vog settles.

It doesn't look like it would be impossible to move poultry to Hawaii, so I could bring the geese. As long as I can afford a place big enough that allows poultry.

I never would have considered Hawaii before because of the dog quarantine, but now that there is way around that, it changes things.
Typically the wind does blow that way. But because of our extremely tall mountains (volcanos) the wind is not as predictable as it is on other islands that are lower. And then sometimes the trade winds stop altogether. lol.
The vog really might not bother you regardless. You just gotta check it out for yourself.
Yikes! Hilo has one of the highest crime rates in the entire USA. More crime than 87% of USA cities.

It's not a big town. I would expect smaller towns to be safer. I hope the crime is confined to the city.

Yes, as soon as my house sells, I will be on a plane to Hawaii to check it out and see if I can breathe OK.
Hilo is one of our two big towns. Hilo and Kona. You cannot always believe statistics. University of Hawaii-Hilo is there. My daughter lived there for 3 years while going to college. I never worried about her safety once.
It looks easy enough to bring the geese to Hawaii. A lot less complicated and cheaper than bringing the dogs.

The process for the dogs has to start at least a year before moving; lots of precise timing involved. The geese get blood work and then have to be in a mosquito-proof pen until shipped, which I already have. It's going to be easier to build mosquito proof shipping containers than to convert the ones I have. Not an issue. Also the birds don't have the expensive import tax.

Dogs will be coming, though.
Question for Big Islanders (i.e., Christie
) --

What breeds can you get on the Island? My father has Christie's EEs (I think he's gonna ask about switching out some of the roos!) and built a great coop/run for 'em, so I know my stepmother will be looking for more
I know there are lots of breeds that fit their requirements (friendly, lay well, don't eat lots), but I don't know if they're available on the Island.

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