Any other hawaiians out there?

Question for Big Islanders (i.e., Christie
) --

What breeds can you get on the Island? My father has Christie's EEs (I think he's gonna ask about switching out some of the roos!) and built a great coop/run for 'em, so I know my stepmother will be looking for more
I know there are lots of breeds that fit their requirements (friendly, lay well, don't eat lots), but I don't know if they're available on the Island.
Chickens are really 'in' right now. You can get most breeds raised locally or shipped in as day olds. Maui
I think Asagi on Oahu will ship to the Big Island. I have a friend in Hilo that had some shipped from Asagi. Might want to call and ask. They have special breed hatches every so often.

Not sure how much shipping is though.. just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
How big a threat are the mongooses? Is there a limit to the size of their prey?

Do I have to worry about them concerning my geese and turkeys? I'm suspecting that fencing mongooses out would be a real pain. They look like they could fit through a keyhole.
How big a threat are the mongooses? Is there a limit to the size of their prey?
Hi, I raised my silkies in Hilo with mongooses running around and they never bothered my chickens. They would get into their coops at night and steal an egg or two though (with great raucous, I might add). I trapped them when they became a nuisance and took them down to the Humane Society in Keaau, where they dispatched them. Silkies are small compared to geese or turkeys so I would gather they'd be a threat only to chicks and eggs. Good luck! :D
This guinea grass that apparently is attempting to conquer Hawaii, is it something that geese can eat?

I'm hearing that all you need to do to have a guinea grass pasture is to stop battling it. If the geese can eat it, then I'd be happy to have it.
Anyone wanna trade 3 roos for 3 hens....or just take 3 roos?? They're EEs. My father, Hawaiilad, is on the Big Island and has 4 roos and 2 hens, but he wants 1 roo and 5 hens. As we all do

Anyone brought any birds to The Big Island recently? Were you able to get airport release for them?

State website says birds must go through Honolulu, but it says that about dogs, too, and dogs can get airport release in Kona.
Anyone brought any birds to The Big Island recently? Were you able to get airport release for them?

State website says birds must go through Honolulu, but it says that about dogs, too, and dogs can get airport release in Kona.
I have never brought in anything but day old chicks. I would just give them a call at the number listed on the website. I have found the ag. department people to be very friendly and helpful. I know people bring full grown fighting cocks all the time. But I have no idea what the process is.

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