Any tips on restraining a mature turkey tom?

Le Moth

7 Years
Jun 19, 2015
New Zealand
I need to clean some dried gunk from his nostrils and suspect his beak may need trimming.

He's a pet, lets me hug him and kiss him, when he is in the mood, but does not like his head being restrained.

Are there any techniques that wouldn't be too traumatizing?


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Try a feed bag, cut a corner off that his head will fit through, drape it over him & it worked great for me to restrain my turkeys .... Dang, they are strong!
Careful. I just had one with some disabilities. I weighed myself and then stood on the scale with him. I carry him around the yard daily so he’s used to being picked up. A lot. I set him down that night and he had a heart attack and died at my feet.
I need to clean some dried gunk from his nostrils and suspect his beak may need trimming.

He's a pet, lets me hug him and kiss him, when he is in the mood, but does not like his head being restrained.

Are there any techniques that wouldn't be too traumatizing?
You might hold him and have someone drop a lunch bag over his head. just so he cant see. a little hole for his beak but keep his eyes covered.... Maybe.

Those big turkeys usually dont live very long. They get too big and stop being able to walk.... Its not a matter of them being fragile its a matter of them not having a long life span...

My only turkeys were I believe Rio Grande I got from the feed store... They was a hoot to have around Mr T and Mrs T. Good fliers...

ONce you get him trimmed up you might try something called .... well... :gig


Its got bits of stone mixed in the block Help em keep the beak worn down.

Another thing you can do is feed them off of a cinderblock platform... same difference.

I had to share the picture....:lau

My neighbor provided a home for a broad breasted white. ... He weighed close to fifty pounds . didn't live much longer sad to say. If I were to raise turkeys for food they would most definitely be on my checklist.

I am a tender hearted soul and would have to make sure to give em a good life but I couldnt do the deed.

I had my two to provide Side show... He was hilarious. Id be doing stuff around the place an hear turkey feathers... Id turn around and he be all fluffed up showing off his handsome self.... in the middle of a side step toward me... Snood all blue.... Soon as I turned and stared at him... HEd smooth out his feathers and peck at the ground... "Oooh Look at this.... " and walk away... It was like having snidely Whiplash with feathers.... His girlfriend perfect the Ignore him posture....

Try a feed bag, cut a corner off that his head will fit through, drape it over him & it worked great for me to restrain my turkeys .... Dang, they are strong!
Sorry for a late reply, ended up using an old sheet since our feed bags rustle very loudly and we didn't want to freak him out any more than necessary.
Thank you for giving us the idea c:
You might hold him and have someone drop a lunch bag over his head. just so he cant see. a little hole for his beak but keep his eyes covered.... Maybe.

Those big turkeys usually dont live very long. They get too big and stop being able to walk.... Its not a matter of them being fragile its a matter of them not having a long life span...

My only turkeys were I believe Rio Grande I got from the feed store... They was a hoot to have around Mr T and Mrs T. Good fliers...

ONce you get him trimmed up you might try something called .... well... :gig


Its got bits of stone mixed in the block Help em keep the beak worn down.

Another thing you can do is feed them off of a cinderblock platform... same difference.

I had to share the picture....:lau

Brilliant product name xD

Thankfully he isn't a broad breasted white. He is a wild turkey we rescued at 1 day old, so he is big but healthy c:

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