Anyone cross stitch?

Well, I bought the chart for The Village of Hawk Run Hollow. eBay'd it, so when it arrives next week I'll be able to get my shopping list together for linen and thread! I cataloged the threads I already have on had, but I only have 22 colors so I think I'm going to have a long list.
Hey I xstitch too!! I've been doing it seriously for about 23 years. Currently I am working on a DimplesDesign dragonfly for my 4 year old. He loves them. I've got 5 matts waiting for the Michaels by me to have a good framing sale so I can afford to get them framed. I got the matts from Jill Rensel. She does all the framing for Shepherd's Bush and does amazing stuff and is wonderful to work with. I don't always get my matts from her, but for some of my special stitching I do.
I really want to find a cute chicken pattern to hang in my kitchen. But we stitchers are all to aware of the term "we stitch therefor we stash". Despite my projects that are ongoing and the ones I have every intention of doing I still buy more

check ebay. There are some really beautiful chicken patterns out there. I did a very pretty rooster years ago for my mom and won third place at the county fair once with another chicken picture

My sister-in-law cross stitches, I guess you can call it a birth announcement, whenever her friends have babies. I told her when she got pregnant that she wasn't allowed to do her own. So I got her to show me how to do it. I'm not far along on it yet. It is going to be a one year old birthday present for my nephew, since I did not even get started until after he was born. I'm going to work on it more this summer after I've finished my finals for the semester. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
You gals do lovely work. I crosstitch also and have foralmost 50 years. I've lost count of all the wedding samplers and birth announcements I've made. I love light houses and I've done several of those also. I did an army sampler for my son about 15 years ago and I'm thinking of doing another one for my granddaughter who is also in the army now.

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