anyone from new zealand

Not sure what you mean when you say medicated. I am giving my 5 week old chicks 'Chick Choice' which is stock feed from Weston Milling. It contains Coccidiostat. I get it from Appletons Poultry supplies. Maybe she could contact them, they are really helpful and will be able to help her out Im sure.


thanks, i'll pass it on to her- she is on facebook and i don't know what brand she has been using- that is similar to what we call chick starter medicated here in the US.
Hi! I'm over on the West Coast of the South Island with 9 Barred Rock, 5 Bantam-X's, a mutt and a lovely husband. I'm originally from the usa, but I really feel at home out here. It's nice to see so many Kiwis here.
Also found this

"Anti-coccidial drugs are very effective. The danger zone is usually around 3 to 7 weeks. Keep chicks on a crumble that contains low levels of coccidiostat. With a serious outbreak, you need to put a coccidiostat in the water, since sick chicks that will not eat will still drink. This can be obtained from your local vet. There are 2 products on the market; baycox and coxiprol. It is worth having an anti-coccidial drug on hand if you are not close to a vet. If caught earlier enough and treated the chicks bounce back quickly. "

Hopes this helps?

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