Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

I agree, I ordered from Ideal and the weather dropped from 70 degrees Wednesday night to 25 degrees this morning. Mine are shipping on 4/22.

I guess, sometimes with patience, comes rewards.
you're just like me! lol I now have 65 little babies. The oldest ones are 5 weeks old. ;D I have 6 ducks in that lot too! AND I have eggs in the incubator and under a broody... lol chicks chicks chicks! I have a whole bedroom dedicated to them! lol keeping the ducks satisfied has been the most challenging so far, but hubby decided to give them a whole big tub of low water to play with. lol ducks are all his except one. I think its a "he" and his name is gucky. He follows me around the house quacking. =D SO CUTE! oh and he gobbles up mealworms =P

Hey quick question for you. Does Ideal charge for shipping? like when I got from McMurray, I had a $20 shipping charge... I checked their website and didn't give me any shipping prices. 
Yes,and they only have a $25 minimum. They don't have a minimum chicks order.
We got our first two chicks ever today! They are under their light and doing great... They are barred rocks... And well, chicks are cute!!!



I am new... Yes... But their little yellow bottoms are precious!

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