Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

Not sure where I should start, but quite simply... I've been sick. I don't know what it is, or what is happening but I just keep going down hill.

Friday my body ached like I was beaten half to death, as it got worse through the day I spiked a fever. Hubby dropped me in a cold bath and then took me out and covered my head and chest with ice packs. He kept getting me down to 100 and then it'd spike back up to 102.8. This came out of nowhere, and yesterday the fever was finally gone but my stomach and body continued to ache. Today its mostly just my stomach and have been in the bathroom since I woke up.

Other then sleep, I haven't done much. In 3 days I've eaten a yogurt, 1 apple, 1/4 cup of herb rice and a banana. I can't manage to get my stomach to accept anything else.

Though I know its caused from the sickness, I jumped on the scale and sadly I'm 150. In 3 days I've lost 3lbs and all the wrong way. Chances are when I feel better I will gain it back and start over.

If I'm still hurting like this tomorrow I'm going to goto Urgent care and get checked out.... reality is, it sounds viral and I am more then likely going to have to just let it pass through my system. I was worried for a bit it was from a spider bite, or food poisoning. Now, I'm not so sure?!

I second the viral. It has not hit me as badly, and I thought it was just my miserable allergies, but hot and cold. chills but fever, nausea but not tossing it. thirsty, thirsty, thirsty. and I feel like I have been hit by a truck.
Wait it out and stay hydrated. I have spent the morning eating ginger.
I hope you feel better.
sorry about the sickies! I had it real bad a few weeks was about 3 days being sick with fever, aches, vomiting and a vicious headache, then about 4 or 5 days feeling better but just exhausted from battling that....Hang in There!
I am sorry to hear you are under the weather... please do take in mind it is tick season.. and Lymes is on the rage.. Soo if you have any doubts.. be safe and head for the drs.
I weighed in today and I am still the same no changes, but today I am splurging!!!!!! I can smell them right now I have GF popovers cooking in the oven as I type, and I have orange whipped honey, pecan maple syrup, and blueberry syrup to eat w/ them. Wooo Hooooo!
I put butter and orange infused spun honey made by a BYC'er. The honey was amazing!

Oh and is "bunging cream" pouring cream?
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I, the OP, is back on board.
I'm 5' 5'', and weigh just under 140 lbs. I've been told I have a great shape, and I probably do, but that isn't enough. No, I don't want to be a size 0. But I want to be thinner. Esspecially since it's almost summer.
I have almost completely cut out chocolate milk, which was my biggest problem. I'm going to cut back on pop, and just stay away from junk food as much as possible. And stop eating after dinner. I'm a fairly active person, but I would like to tone up my stomach a bit. Thirty sit-ups in my room in the morning, and thirty at night. In about a week, I'll increase it to forty. It isn't much, but I hope it will make a difference.

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